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I Would Simply Ask Her to Forgive Me

Shanon Biles, the mother of renowned U.S. gymnast Simone Biles, expressed her hopes that one day her daughter can find it in her heart to forgive her for the decision to put her and her siblings up for adoption.

At the time of their adoption, Shanon Biles, now 52, was grappling with substance abuse issues, including drug and alcohol addiction, which placed her children in and out of the foster care system. “It was hard to give up my kids, but I had to do what I had to do. I wasn’t able to care for them. I was still using, and [my father] didn’t want me coming in and out of their lives when I wasn’t right,” she shared in an interview.

Simone, along with her sister Adria, was taken in by their grandparents, Ronald and Nellie Biles, when Simone was just six years old. Meanwhile, her other siblings were placed with a relative in Cleveland. This change in family structure would eventually allow Simone to thrive, setting her on the path to become a world champion gymnast.

In her heartfelt interview, Shanon Biles conveyed a desire to reconnect with her daughters, stating, “I would like to make amends with Simone personally – I’m just waiting for her and [her younger sister] Adria. I speak to Adria more than I speak to Simone. I would just ask her to forgive me. Can we move forward? Don’t judge me on my past. Let’s move forward.”

Today, Shanon is sober and employed as a grocery store cashier. She mentioned that while she has Simone’s contact information, she is waiting for the right moment when her daughter is ready to reach out. Although Shanon was not involved in Simone’s recent milestones, including her wedding, she did host a viewing party in Columbus, Ohio, to celebrate Simone’s outstanding achievements at the Paris Olympics.

Simone Biles, who brought home three gold medals and one silver from the recent Olympics, has consistently acknowledged the crucial role that her grandparents played in her success. “If not for my parents and adoption, I wouldn’t be here today,” she said in a previous interview, highlighting the significance of her upbringing in her journey as an elite athlete.

While the relationship between Shanon and her daughters remains a complex and sensitive topic, Shanon’s desire for forgiveness and reconciliation marks a hopeful step forward. As both mother and daughter navigate their individual journeys, the possibility of a renewed connection looms in the background of their respective lives.

Source: The Daily Mail