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IDF Killing of American Aysenur Ezgi Eygi Is ‘Totally Unacceptable’

On September 11, President Joe Biden expressed strong disapproval regarding the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a U.S. citizen and activist from the West Bank, by Israeli forces. He described the incident as “totally unacceptable.”

Biden stressed the importance of accountability and urged that Israel must implement measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. “There must be full accountability,” he stated, reinforcing the need for responsibility in this tragic event.

The White House revealed that Israel has recognized its accountability in Eygi’s death and that an initial investigation referred to the incident as a “tragic error resulting from an unnecessary escalation.”

Vice President Kamala Harris also weighed in, labeling Eygi’s fatality a “horrific tragedy that never should have happened.” In her statement, she highlighted that Eygi was peacefully protesting in the West Bank against the expansion of settlements when her life was abruptly ended. “No one should be killed for participating in a peaceful protest,” Harris asserted.

Harris further emphasized the United States’ commitment to seeking answers from the Israeli government and ensuring transparency in the ongoing investigation. “We will continue to press for continued access to the findings of the investigation so we can have confidence in the results. There must be full accountability,” she added.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken referred to Eygi’s killing as “unprovoked and unjustified.” He echoed sentiments shared by both Biden and Harris regarding the sanctity of protests, stating that no individual should face lethal force for attending such events.

The White House reiterated its stance, affirming that the U.S. has been granted full access to Israel’s preliminary investigative findings regarding Eygi’s death. They expect this access to continue as the investigation unfolds, allowing the U.S. to maintain confidence in the outcomes.

In his remarks, Blinken insisted on the necessity for Israel to implement fundamental changes within its security operations in the West Bank. He pointed out troubling reports indicating that Israeli security forces often overlook violence perpetrated by extremist settlers against Palestinians, while simultaneously applying excessive force against Palestinian civilians.

Calls for an independent investigation into Eygi’s killing have been voiced by the United Nations as well as her family, highlighting the need for an impartial examination of the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.

The U.S. government’s response underscores a significant diplomatic emphasis on human rights and accountability, especially in the context of ongoing tensions in the region. Eygi’s death has prompted a wider discussion about the practices of security forces in the West Bank and their impact on peaceful demonstrations.

As international scrutiny continues, the situation serves as a significant reminder of the challenges faced by activists in conflict zones and the potential ramifications of military engagements on civilian lives. The Biden administration’s strong stance reflects a commitment to advocating for accountability and ensuring that actions taken by foreign governments align with human rights standards.

The situation remains fluid as investigations proceed, with the global community observing closely how both the Israeli government and U.S. administration navigate the outcomes of this tragic circumstance.

Source: UPI