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Iggy Azalea Claims She’s the “Only Parent” to Son, Downplays Co-Parenting

Iggy Azalea has openly discussed her complicated co-parenting situation with rapper Playboi Carti. During her appearance on the Dinner’s On Me podcast, she labeled herself as a “single mom” and revealed that there is virtually no co-parenting happening.

“I’m very much a single mother. I’m very much the only parent, no disrespect, but yes, I am not co-parenting really, and that’s just the reality of it. It’s one, it’s 24/7,” she shared.

She highlighted the role her son, Onyx, plays in her decision to prioritize family. “I no longer want to be traveling around everywhere. I want to take my son to school,” she noted. “I want him to have memories with me and give him that time. It’s really important to me.”

The Australian rapper also gave credit to her mother for instilling confidence in her from a young age, which she now aims to pass on to her own son.

“I owe my success in large part to my mother because she spent so much time with me and she just really gassed me up and made me think I was a superwoman genius, dancer extraordinaire, painter extraordinaire, chef, whatever it was,” she said. “And it’s important to me, even when my son’s only 4, that I know I’m there, instilling that confidence in him and just helping guide him.”

“It’s my job as a parent,” she insisted. “I think if you’re going to have a child, you should be prepared to do that and engage in that way. And I really want to. I toured two years with my son on a bus and it was time for that to end.”

Last February, Iggy opened up about her split from the Atlanta rapper on the High Low with EmRata podcast. Calling their relationship “volatile,” Iggy recounted leaving Playboi Carti three weeks after Onyx was born, and never looking back.

“I had something happen one day with my son’s father and me and it was just like one of those moments where you’re just like, I didn’t wake up thinking this is what my day would be,” she recalled of the breakup, “but by the end of the day, I was on a plane to Los Angeles and I never went back. And that was the end of it.”

To shield her son from witnessing unhealthy relationships, she made a resolute decision. “In that moment that I had on that day, I was like, ‘I will never let my son see this because I don’t want him to see someone talk to me this way, ’cause I don’t want him to ever learn this, I don’t want him to be exposed to this.”

Reflecting on her relationship with Carti, she described it as a “toxic cycle” that she needed to break for her own wellbeing and her son’s future. “I decided in that moment, I have to be more accountable for myself into what I’m doing with my child and even if there are days where I wanna go back to this… I just never would do it. I will never do it. I’m leaving.”

Source: Dinner’s On Me, High Low with EmRata