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IMDb’s Top-Rated Episode of Shemar Moore’s S.W.A.T.

IMDb viewers have praised “School” ever since it first aired in January 2019. “This is one of the most powerful pieces of TV I have seen in a long time. Well done to the cast and crew in dealing with such a difficult subject in such a controlled and sensitive way,” expressed user matt-93718. Another viewer, Splitfire75, agreed, saying, “The presentation just pulls you into [the] episode and by the end someone was cutting onions while I watched.”

IMDb viewers aren’t the only ones who believe “School” is an essential episode of “S.W.A.T.” TV Guide also highlighted the episode as crucial viewing for its sensitive and compelling portrayal of school shootings. The publication commended the episode for the way it advocates for the prevention of such tragic events in the future. It also noted that the episode’s use of multiple perspectives — from team members who were present on the day of the shooting and those who were not — adds an extra layer of depth and intrigue.

As the eighth season of “S.W.A.T.” approaches, fans are eager to see if it will live up to its predecessors. Audiences will find out when the series returns from its second attempted cancellation on October 18.

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Source: IMDb, TV Guide