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Influencer Uses Grimes AI and Fake Diss Track to Troll Elon Musk

Carlo Allegri/REUTERS

In a viral video stunt that took TikTok by storm earlier this week, influencer and social media provocateur Elijah Daniel shared what appeared to be a music video featuring Grimes. The footage sparked wide attention as the singer seemingly called out her ex, Elon Musk, in a striking verse: “Fuck a Tesla, I like a Honda / and fuck an X, double entendre.”

However, there’s a significant twist. The vocals weren’t actually Grimes’—they were AI-generated. This technological trickery stems from an open challenge Grimes issued last year, inviting people to reimagine her vocals using AI. Daniel confirmed this in an interview with Rolling Stone on Friday. The woman showcased in his clip? Just a “blonde friend,” he explained.

Daniel aimed to test how many would be duped by his AI-powered prank. “I wanted to see how many people would believe it off the bat,” he told the magazine. His findings were rather telling. “I would love to say the majority of people are smart enough to not fall for AI misinformation, but they’re falling for human misinformation,” he remarked.

Interestingly, Elon Musk voiced support for California’s proposed AI regulation rules earlier this week, perhaps highlighting a growing awareness of issues exemplified by Daniel’s experiment.

Source: Rolling Stone, The Daily Beast