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Interview with Natalie Portman & Moses Ingram: Lady In The Lake

First, I can’t avoid the obvious. You both share a connection with the “Star Wars” franchise. Have you guys discussed that connection or exchanged any stories about your time on those sets?

Natalie Portman: We’ve never talked about it until today, now everyone’s asking! [Laughs]

Moses Ingram: It’s nice, though. It’s a nice world that we know not so many people get to be a part of, and we both did.

Portman: It’s a very lucky shared experience.

Natalie, this year marks 30 years since you made your acting debut in “The Professional.” Since then, you’ve starred in the “Star Wars” franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and won an Oscar, but “Lady in the Lake” is your first foray into episodic television. Was there anything different about the experience to you as an actor?

Portman: Oh, definitely. There are seven hours [of episodes] to explore a character, which gives you a broader palette to explore details of your character. Also, practically, it’s like a marathon compared to a sprint — working 16- or 17-hour days for five months is a very different experience than making a movie in 30 days.

On the flip side, Moses, you’re relatively new to the world of Hollywood. Did Natalie give you any advice or do anything on set that you feel will help you navigate fame?

Ingram: I think she is a walking example of how you want to do this thing.

Portman: Thank you.

Ingram: Truly. There was a day on set where — well, I guess that’s a spoiler — but I was in a compromised position, and she went out of her way to make sure that things were moving in a timely manner so it didn’t have to stay that way. It [was about] how you show up for other people and put a cape on for other people. Also, [showing how] having a life outside of this [Hollywood] life, which I think is so important, [can make you] a better artist. And obviously, the work that she chooses, the work that she’s done, it’s fantastic. So I really think she’s a walking example every day.

Portman: Thank you.

There’s a lot going on in this series, especially when it comes to gender and race. What do you hope people take away from watching “Lady in the Lake”?

Ingram: You must consider intersectionality. That would be my short and sweet answer.

Portman: I hope people relate to these two women and see their struggles as their own. I hope that people also recognize how sometimes when you’re focused on your own struggles, you might be blind to someone else’s.

The first two episodes of “Lady in the Lake” premiere today, July 19, on Apple TV+, with new episodes dropping weekly through August 23.

Source: Apple TV+