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Iron Maiden to Exclude Songs Nicko McBrain Can’t Play Anymore

Iron Maiden’s drummer, Nicko McBrain, recently opened up about a new rule the band implemented to accommodate his current physical limitations. McBrain, who suffered a stroke in January 2023 that left him partially paralyzed, has been on a journey of recovery. Through intensive physical therapy, he made his way back to the stage, although not without some changes to his abilities. He acknowledged that he was performing at about 70 percent of his previous capacity during their summer tour that year.

Speaking candidly at a show in Pompano Beach, FL, with his side project Titanium Tarts, McBrain shared, “I’ve gotta be honest with you: it was a touch and go last year for me. I couldn’t play; I was paralyzed on the right side. Fortunately, there’s a girl named Julie Blum who looked after me, and in three months, she had me playing again.”

The 72-year-old drummer admitted that while he’s not back to his old self, having the support of his bandmates has been crucial. “And it ain’t the old Nicko – it’s not the old one by a long shot. But at least it’s part of me. And my band, bless their hearts, Steve Harris and the rest of the guys turn around and say, ‘If you can’t do something in a song, we just won’t do that song,’” he revealed.

One notable instance of this accommodating approach took place with the Maiden track “Somewhere In Time” from their 1986 album. Due to his limitations, McBrain had difficulties playing a specific snare drum section of the song. He explained, “Now, there’s a middle section – it’s all snare drum on the record. I can’t play it. Those of you nerds in the audience [will] go, ‘He didn’t do the drum fill!’. Well, that’s why – I can’t do it!”

McBrain described how Steve Harris helped find a solution. When several suggested alternatives didn’t seem right, Harris had the drummer simply play the part straight. “I went, ‘You’re a genius, Harry!’ and there’s me, the drummer, supposed to come up with all these ideas… I didn’t even think of that. So we rehearsed it from there on in, and we play it straight.” He added humorously, “which I’m sure 90 percent of you don’t care about that bit anyway!”

McBrain’s story is a testament to his resilience and determination to keep performing despite his health challenges. His bandmates have shown incredible support, adapting their music to ensure he remains an integral part of Iron Maiden. This development reflects not only the band’s commitment to one another but also their dedication to their fans, who continue to support them through changes and challenges.

Source: UCR