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Is Cassia Plath Related to Kim’s Boyfriend on ‘Welcome To Plathville’?

With Season 6 of Welcome To Plathville currently airing, fans have ample time to discuss and speculate about the Plath family. One question generating buzz is whether Cassia Plath is related to Kim Plath’s boyfriend, Ken Palmer.

Kim Plath, Barry Plath, and the rest of the Plath family have returned for the latest season of Welcome To Plathville. Given the numerous children in the family, there are plenty of storylines to explore. One prominent plot revolves around Kim Plath’s new relationship with Ken Palmer following her split from Barry Plath.

For fans of the show, the end of Kim and Barry’s marriage sparked curiosity about their future romantic lives. While Barry has not shown signs of seeing someone new, Kim has moved on with Ken Palmer.

Ken Palmer and Kim Plath, Welcome To Plathville - YouTube

Ken Palmer and Kim Plath, Welcome To Plathville – YouTube

With Kim’s new relationship, many fans have noticed a striking resemblance between Cassia Plath and Ken Palmer. This similarity has sparked speculation that Ken Palmer could be Cassia’s biological father.

  • One fan remarked, “Anyone else notice during the recent episode that Ken and Cassia have the exact same face? Once I saw it, I can’t unsee it. The more I think about it, the more I wouldn’t put it past Kim.”
  • Another viewer commented, “To be fair to Kim, I look more like my stepdad than my bio-father. But, genetics are weird.”
  • A third person added, “If you google ‘Ken welcome to Plathville,’ there’s a picture at the beach where Ken and Cassia are right next to each other. They look so similar.”
Welcome To Plathville: Cassia Plath - Amber Plath - Mercy Plath - Micah Plath
Welcome To Plathville: Cassia Plath - Amber Plath - Mercy Plath - Micah Plath
Welcome To Plathville: Cassia Plath – Amber Plath – Mercy Plath – Micah Plath/Instagram

Kim Plath started Welcome To Plathville Season 6 living on her houseboat but has since moved in with Ken Palmer. Since September 2023, she has been residing with him, and his property is significantly more luxurious than her previous living situation.

Ken Palmer Last Posted Kim Plath On Facebook in July 2023
Ken Palmer Last Posted Kim Plath On Facebook in July 2023
Ken Palmer and Kim Plath/Facebook

The new home features four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and spans five acres of land. While questions linger about whether Ken Palmer is biologically related to Cassia Plath, he undoubtedly plays a significant role in her life. This development provides plenty of fodder for fan discussions.

Source: TV Shows Ace