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Is Cocaine a Stronger Stimulant?

Comedian Theo Von had a surprising chat with former President Donald Trump about the dangers of cocaine addiction during a recent episode of Von’s podcast, *This Past Weekend*. The conversation delved into the effects of the drug, with Von humorously warning Trump that cocaine could wire him up like a “damn owl.”

During the podcast, Trump seemed genuinely curious about Von’s past drug use. The discussion began with Trump pressing Von about his experiences with substances. Von candidly admitted that cocaine was his drug of choice. “No, I would just do cocaine,” Von said, to which Trump responded, “That’s down and dirty, right?”

Von agreed and elaborated, but clarified that he no longer uses the drug. “No, I don’t do it anymore, man. And I’m not doing it,” he assured Trump. The former president probed further, asking if the reason Von quit was due to cocaine being too much to handle.

Von explained the adverse effects he started experiencing. “Some of the stuff started to get a real rattle in it too. I don’t know where we were even getting it from in this country, but yeah, it started to make me feel like I was a mechanic or something,” he shared. Trump continued to maintain his curiosity, asking if Von turned to alcohol instead.

Clarifying his stance, Von said, “Right, yeah, but what I want probably is cocaine. But I know that if I have a drink, then it’ll be like, okay, well, I had a drink, then I can do this.” Trump wanted more details, asking if cocaine provided a stronger high.

Von did not hold back in his description. “Yeah. So you’re way up with cocaine more than anything else you can think of. Cocaine will turn you into a damn owl, homie. You know what I’m saying? You’ll be out on your own porch. You’ll be your own street lamp,” he said. Trump’s next question, driven by curiosity, was whether this sensation felt good.

Von responded with an honest reflection, “Well, it’s a miserable feeling, but you do it anyway, just like the guy you’re saying with the scotch.”

This intriguing conversation shed light on the comedian’s personal battles and the pitfalls of drug addiction. It also provided a glimpse into Trump’s inquisitive nature, especially regarding substances he’s never experienced himself. Their exchange is available in full on YouTube for those interested in hearing the entire dialogue.

Source: Mediaite