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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Is Janelle Brown’s Investment a Nightmare for Robyn on ‘Sister Wives’?

Recently, Sister Wives star Janelle Brown made a significant purchase that has fans buzzing. While it marks a pivotal step for Janelle, it might be causing some tension for fellow Sister Wives star Robyn Brown.

Over the past few months, Janelle has been making bold moves to reshape her life. Following the heartbreaking loss of her son Garrison, Janelle has shown her resilience by diving into her health-focused business and traveling extensively. Being single again after leaving Kody Brown, she now enjoys greater independence in her decision-making.

Rumors started swirling on Reddit when Tony Padron leaked that Janelle had bought a large property in North Carolina. Fans quickly began to speculate about what this could mean. One user suggested the land might become a family compound, echoing the original vision for Coyote Pass. This user imagined a setting where family members like Maddie and Mykelti could build their own homes, with Janelle having a main house and plenty of space for other family members to visit or stay.

Other fans chimed in with their own thoughts. Some expressed excitement at the idea of watching Robyn’s reaction to such a development, especially if Janelle and Christine were involved. Others hoped the land would be used for a farm-to-table business or a wedding venue, envisioning Janelle creating a space that fosters better marriages. There’s also speculation on what Janelle’s daughter Savannah might do, with some suggesting she may stay close to the family in North Carolina.

As fans continued to discuss, ideas for the property included building cabins for an adult nature summer camp or even a barndominium for Meri. Some pointed out logistical challenges, noting that zoning laws might complicate creating a multi-residence compound. However, others remained optimistic, suggesting that with the right zoning, Janelle could fulfill her vision.

The property’s zoning status as agricultural was mentioned, which could pose a hurdle. Yet, some noted that agricultural zoning doesn’t necessarily preclude building multiple residences, depending on local restrictions. Fans living in North Carolina pointed out that the land is ideally situated, adding to the excitement of what Janelle might accomplish there.

Many fans are eager to see how this purchase will pan out and whether it could turn into a reunion spot for the whole Brown family. They fantasize about an expansive house where the family can vacation and spend holidays together, generating enough interest to make them watch any related show content avidly.

Janelle’s bold decision stands as a testament to her newfound independence and determination. As the anticipation builds, fans are looking forward to the new season of Sister Wives, premiering on September 15th on TLC, to see how this new chapter in Janelle’s life unfolds.

What are your thoughts on Janelle Brown’s new property in North Carolina? Do you think this could become the new family haven? Your thoughts and comments are welcome as we await another intriguing season of Sister Wives.

Source: Reddit