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Is Jennifer Lopez Setting Up Her Paparazzi Photos?

Former Hills star Whitney Port and her husband Tim Rosenman have reportedly witnessed Jennifer Lopez allegedly setting up paparazzi shots in the Hamptons.

In a recent episode of Port’s With Whit podcast, she shared the surprising encounter. “Candy Kitchen in Bridgehampton is so special that I’m pretty sure JLo the other day was riding her bike to get a scoop of ice cream for a paparazzi shot,” Port recounted.

According to her husband, Lopez apparently “did not even go in” and was “just there for the exterior shot.”

Rosenman went on to call the pop star “weird” and suggested that she is “addicted to attention,” a sentiment Port seemed to agree with.

“That’s her vibe. She’s popped everywhere. Her continually looking hot in cute settings is what keeps the machine going,” Port explained.

Rosenman questioned Lopez’s need for attention, saying, “She’s already as famous as you can be, why does she need to stoke the fans of her own flame? Seems unnecessary. Why does she feel the need to keep the machine going?” He added, “Maybe she likes extra f–king attention.”

According to Page Six, Lopez spent her birthday and the Fourth of July in the Hamptons, notably without her husband Ben Affleck.

There have been recent rumors of the couple heading towards a divorce, but nothing has been confirmed. Affleck has reportedly purchased a $20 million bachelor pad, as per reports.

Lopez has not commented on Port’s accusations, but this isn’t the first time fans have speculated that she stages paparazzi shots.

Back in June, Vox reported that after a series of negative publicities, including her canceled tour, a allegedly failing marriage, and a “heavily scrutinized bodega order,” Lopez was conveniently captured on camera with Affleck by her side.

One TikTok user commented on the photos, saying, “I’ve never seen such an obvious pap walk in my life,” according to the outlet.

“They clearly called the paps on themselves,” said another.

Echoing these sentiments, someone on Twitter/X wrote, “JLo set up that staged paparazzi photoshoot so fast.”

In related real estate news, recently reported that Jennifer Lopez has listed her 6,540-square-foot New York City penthouse for $24,990,000. Lopez initially listed the property in 2017 for around $27 million and has had it on and off the market since then.

Source: Page Six, Vox