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Israeli Airstrikes Kill 18 at School, Including 6 U.N. Personnel

Israeli airstrikes on a school in central Gaza, which was sheltering displaced Palestinians, resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen people, including six United Nations workers. The strikes occurred on Wednesday, leading to significant casualties among those sheltering at the site.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a statement claiming they executed a “targeted strike” on militants located within a command-and-control complex at what used to be the Al-Ja’oni school in Nuseirat. Reports from Gaza’s Civil Defense emergency services indicated that at least 18 Palestinians lost their lives in the attack, with additional individuals suffering injuries. Among the deceased were women and children, highlighting the tragic toll of the airstrike.

The U.N. agency responsible for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, reported that six of its employees, including the site manager, were killed during the incident. This marked the highest number of casualties for the agency in a single incident since the conflict escalated nearly a year ago.

In response to this tragic event, UNRWA called for both sides to refrain from using schools and the surrounding areas for military purposes. They expressed deep concern over the repeated targeting of the school, stating that it had been hit five times since the conflict began and was home to roughly 12,000 displaced individuals, primarily women and children.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the airstrike, describing the situation in Gaza as “totally unacceptable.” He emphasized the need for an immediate halt to what he called dramatic violations of international humanitarian law.

Following the attack, Philippe Lazzarini, the UNRWA commissioner-general, reiterated calls for a cease-fire. He stated that humanitarian operations and personnel have consistently been disregarded since the onset of the conflict. Lazzarini warned that as long as impunity continues, international humanitarian law and the Geneva conventions risk becoming irrelevant.

Over the course of the conflict, at least 220 staff members from UNRWA have been reported killed in Gaza. Tensions have been escalating between Israel and UNRWA, with accusations flying regarding the involvement of some UNRWA employees with Hamas. Israeli officials allege that nine employees were linked to the October 7 attack by Hamas, which resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Israelis and triggered the ongoing war. In response to these allegations, UNRWA terminated the contracts of nine employees, although it remains unclear if these were the same individuals identified by the IDF.

UNRWA employs over 30,000 individuals across several operational areas, including the Gaza Strip. The organization plays a crucial role in providing essential services to Palestinian refugees amidst the ongoing conflict.

Israeli authorities have accused Hamas of utilizing civilian infrastructure, such as UNRWA schools, for military operations, including establishing command centers and launching attacks. Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, responded to the U.N. Secretary-General’s criticisms, claiming that the intergovernmental organization was unfairly condemning Israel while overlooking the actions of Hamas, which he accused of using women and children as human shields. Danon suggested a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the strike and the individuals involved.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has reported that approximately 41,118 Palestinians have been killed during the conflict, which predominantly includes women and children. Israeli officials maintain that they take numerous precautions to minimize risks to civilians during military operations, asserting their commitment to adhere to international standards even amid ongoing hostilities.

The damage caused by the airstrikes, particularly in civilian areas, continues to draw international scrutiny, as calls for a ceasefire and humanitarian access grow louder. The ongoing strife in Gaza poses complex challenges, requiring urgent solutions to alleviate the human suffering felt by both Palestinian and Israeli communities.

Source: UPI