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Israeli Airstrikes on Syrian Military Sites Kill 14, Injure 43

On the night of September 9, Israeli airstrikes targeted Iran-backed groups in the west-central Syrian city of Masyaf, located in Hama Governorate. Reports indicate that at least 14 people were killed and 43 more were injured, with many of the casualties being civilians according to state-owned media.

Israeli aircraft, operating over northwestern Lebanon, launched missiles against several military sites in central Syria at approximately 11:20 p.m. local time. The Syrian Arab Armed Forces reported that some of these missiles were intercepted by their air defenses, as stated by the Syrian Arab News Agency.

Dr. Fayssal Haidar, the director of Masyaf National Hospital, reported that six of the injured individuals were in critical condition. The airstrikes also caused significant damage to the Masyaf-Wadi al-Uyun highway and ignited wildfires in the Hair Abbas area.

Although the Israeli military did not confirm the attacks, they informed CNN that they do not comment on foreign media reports. The Syrian Human Rights Observatory, based in Britain, reported that the strikes resulted in the deaths of at least four civilians and eight Syrian combatants. The strikes specifically destroyed military and scientific facilities where Iranian-backed militias were believed to be stationed.

Witnesses reported hearing at least 13 explosions near scientific research stations in Masyaf, while additional Israeli missiles struck positions in the Al-Zawy area and the Wadi Al-Eyon location, igniting further fires. However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) stated it was unable to verify the affiliations of the military personnel killed, whether they were part of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime or Iranian-backed militias.

The recent uptick in strikes on northern Israel, particularly by Hezbollah and other groups from Lebanon and Syria, has led to an escalation of Israeli retaliatory actions against Iranian-aligned targets in Syria. According to SOHR, the airstrike on September 9 marked the 64th Israeli attack in 2023 alone.

This series of attacks has included 47 airstrikes and 17 rocket attacks conducted by ground forces, which targeted 138 sites. These targets comprised buildings, weapons and ammunition depots, military headquarters, command centers, and vehicles, resulting in the deaths of 110 combatants and injuries to another 110 individuals, as reported by the observatory.

Earlier in the year, there was a significant strike on March 1 when Israeli warplanes targeted a Hezbollah weapons warehouse near Aleppo International Airport. This action resulted in the deaths of at least 36 troops belonging to the Assad government. Notably, just days later on April 1, another missile strike targeted an Iranian Embassy annex in Damascus, killing Mohammed Reza Zahedi, a senior military commander associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon.

Israel has not accepted responsibility for either of these attacks. Furthermore, the United States has also engaged in military actions against Iranian-backed assets in Syria. In February, U.S. airstrikes aimed at Iran-affiliated militias in both Iraq and Syria killed 23 individuals in the cities of Al-Mayadeen and Deir Ezzor. This series of attacks was a retaliatory response to a drone strike that had occurred the previous month at a base in Jordan, which resulted in the deaths of three American soldiers and injuries to over 40 others. U.S. officials attributed this strike to Iran-backed groups.

The ongoing conflict and escalating military confrontations in the region continue to raise concerns over stability and civilian safety.

Source: UPI