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Israeli Army Claims Killing 5 More West Bank Militants, Including Commander

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military has reported the deaths of five militants during a major operation in the occupied West Bank early Thursday. Among those killed was a prominent local commander named Mohammed Jaber, also known as Abu Shujaa.

Although the Palestinian side has not confirmed Abu Shujaa’s death yet, he was a significant figure in the Islamic Jihad militant group operating in the Nur Shams refugee camp, located on the outskirts of Tulkarem.

Earlier this year, Abu Shujaa gained notoriety when he was presumed dead after an Israeli operation. However, he made headlines by appearing at the funeral of other militants, where he was celebrated by supporters who lifted him onto their shoulders.

According to the military, Abu Shujaa and the four other militants were killed during a shootout after hiding inside a mosque. The Israeli forces stated that he was linked to numerous attacks against Israelis, including a particularly deadly shooting that occurred in June, and emphasized that he was in the process of planning further operations.

As part of the operation in Tulkarem, another militant was apprehended, while a member of Israel’s paramilitary Border Police sustained light injuries.

This action follows a large-scale military operation that commenced overnight on Wednesday. Hamas reported that ten of its fighters were killed in various locations, while the Palestinian Health Ministry indicated there was an eleventh casualty, though it did not clarify if this individual was a fighter or a civilian.

The intensity of violence in the West Bank has escalated since the outbreak of war on October 7, which began with an attack by Hamas from Gaza.

Nur Shams, where these events unfolded, is one of several densely populated refugee camps across the Middle East that trace their origins back to the 1948 war, which was initiated alongside the creation of Israel. This conflict forced roughly 700,000 Palestinians to flee or be expelled from their homes. Today, many of these camps have become strongholds for militant groups.

The West Bank, along with the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, was captured by Israel during the 1967 Middle East war. Palestinians aspire to establish their future state encompassing all three territories.

Currently, the 3 million Palestinians residing in the West Bank are subjected to what seems like indefinite Israeli military control, while the Palestinian Authority governs some towns and cities with support from Western nations. In contrast, over 500,000 Jewish settlers, who hold Israeli citizenship, live in more than 100 settlements scattered throughout the region. Most of the international community views these settlements as illegal.

As violence continues to unfold and the situation remains tense, the international community watches closely to monitor the responses from both Israeli and Palestinian sides.

Source: AP News