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It’s Not About You Over There

Jimmy McCain, the youngest son of the late Arizona Senator John McCain, has publicly criticized former President Donald Trump’s recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery, calling it a “violation.” Speaking with CNN, Jimmy announced that he has switched his voter registration from independent to Democratic and plans to support Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.

Both Jimmy’s grandfather and great-grandfather are buried at Arlington, and he himself has served in the military for 17 years. Reflecting on Trump’s visit, he expressed his disbelief, stating, “It just blows me away. These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice if they will be part of a campaign stop.”

He continued, emphasizing that veterans understand the significance of such sites and that the focus should be on those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. “It’s not about you there,” he said. “It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

Other family members of John McCain have also distanced themselves from Trump. Cindy McCain, the widow of the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, endorsed President Joe Biden during the last election. Their daughter Meghan McCain has also taken steps away from Trump. However, Jimmy stands out as the only member to formally leave the Republican Party.

Recently, Meghan expressed her views on social media, declaring that she wouldn’t endorse Harris, asserting her identity as a lifelong conservative. “Please stop trying to turn me into a progressive. It’s a fever dream. I’m a life-long, generational conservative,” she stated. In response to her brother’s comments, she later added, “I greatly respect the wide variety of political opinions of all of my family members and love them all very much. I, however, remain a proud member of the Republican Party and hope for brighter days ahead. (Not voting for Harris or Trump, hope that clears things up).”

Jimmy McCain joined the Marines at 17 and currently serves as an intelligence officer with the 158th Infantry Regiment. His father’s legacy includes a history of criticism from Trump, who has labeled John McCain a “loser” and disputed his status as a war hero due to his Vietnam capture. Jimmy addressed these past attacks by stating that while his father chose a public life, it was still unacceptable for Trump to make such comments. He indicated, however, that he cannot overlook Trump’s often disparaging remarks about his father.

Furthermore, Jimmy believes that Trump’s disrespect towards fallen soldiers may stem from an insecurity about not having served in the military himself. He reiterated that these views reflect his personal opinions and do not speak for the Army.

Trump’s visit to Arlington last week included a wreath-laying ceremony in honor of the 13 servicemembers who lost their lives in a 2021 bombing at Kabul Airport during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, the visit was met with controversy as the Trump campaign recorded the event, leading to a confrontation with cemetery staff who attempted to prevent the filming in sensitive areas of the site. Such actions are reportedly against federal law, Army regulations, and Department of Defense policies.

The Trump campaign has not adjusted its stance following the incident, which involved pushing aside the cemetery staff member who was trying to enforce the rules. Despite this backlash, the campaign went ahead and released the recorded footage from the event.

Source: CNN