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Jason Aldean Voices His Controversial Opinion on Social Media

Jason Aldean has faced his fair share of controversy over the years. Known for being an outspoken artist, he’s not one to shy away from sharing his opinions, even when it leads to social media sparks flying.

If Aldean had his way, social media would be a thing of the past.

“Get rid of it, it drives me crazy,” Aldean said during a conversation with Taste of Country Nights On Demand.

When asked what he would eliminate specifically from the world of country music, Aldean expanded his answer to include everyone.

“Social media, across the board, get rid of it. That’s going to be a very unpopular answer,” he noted. “I just think social media — when used in the right way — is great, but like anything, ya know, people take advantage of stuff and they turn it into something that it wasn’t intended to be.”

Aldean might have been thinking about his recent run-in with the web — the controversy surrounding his 2023 “Try That in a Small Town” video, which drew criticism for its controversial shooting locations and was subsequently edited.

The five-time Grammy nominee views social media as divisive and negative, and in his perfect world, it would be entirely scrapped.

“It’s just, to me, it’s done … you see people, they can’t get out of their phones now, and they’re so oblivious to what’s going on in the outside world. It drives me crazy,” Aldean said.

This sentiment explains why Aldean isn’t more active on social media. He avoids it because of the overwhelming negativity.

Source: Taste of Country