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Jason Hook Talks Flat Black Debut, Prepares for What’s Next

Even though Jason Hook was excited for the release of Flat Black’s debut full-length, Dark Side of the Brain, he admitted on Loudwire Nights that he was waiting quite a while for fans to hear the album.

“It was done in January of 2023,” Hook revealed to host Chuck Armstrong on Wednesday night. “I’ve been hearing this for a very long time, but when it was done, I was listening to it and I was like, ‘This is the best I got. It’s the best I have.’ So, I was happy.”

With the album out and more live shows on the horizon, Hook said he’s excited to not let the band lose any momentum on new music.

“We have a little time off now between when we start the next tour,” he shared. “I’m thinking I’m probably going to start writing again. I think that for me, records are everything. Records are forever, and the success of your group depends on the quality of the records and the consistency of them.”

Hook said writing and recording new music is not something he ever wants to leave to the last second.

“I’ve always worked on music. I’m always working.”

He discussed other aspects of his creative process and life with host Chuck Armstrong.

Hook said he always tries to find happiness and joy in what he does. “We have to be aware of what we want out of our lifetime — how do we feel on a per day basis? How do you feel?”

He also highlighted the freedom he has with Flat Black, thanks to his previous successes. “I’m very fortunate, I don’t have to worry … I can do what I want and I don’t have to freak out.”

Fans should also be excited about the physical release of Dark Side of the Brain. “The vinyl [and CD] comes with a live show, Live From Edmonton. If you like Dark Side of the Brain, there’s a little extra incentive to check out the physical version,” he said.

Source: Loudwire