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Jayda Cheaves Responds to Critics of Partially Nude Swimsuit Ad with Kids

Influencer and entrepreneur Jayda Cheaves is currently under fire following the release of a promotional ad for her new Waydamin swimwear collection. The ad has sparked controversy for its content and execution.

In the promotional video, Jayda can be seen lying on her stomach on a Waydamin beach towel and removing her swimsuit top to take a rest. After some time, two young boys appear and take her top. Upon waking from her nap, she realizes the top is gone and embarks on a search for it. The video ends with her running into the ocean, wearing only swim bottoms.

This storyline left many viewers puzzled and upset, leading to a wave of criticism regarding the ad’s intent and appropriateness.

One viewer commented, “This s**t is weird. If this was a man who took his drawers off to lay on a beach and then some little girls took them and he had to run behind them holding his penis would this still be cute? Over sexualization mixed with children is sickening.”

Following the outcry, Jayda Cheaves took to social media to address the backlash and provide clarity on the situation. She emphasized that the children were not present on set during any scenes involving actual nudity.

“I am the brand… & the kids were NOWHERE on set after we filmed their scene OBVIOUSLY. Why use somebody else’s kid when none of this is LITERAL and my son loves to be in front of a camera. It was only right to incorporate him.”

Jayda further explained that her intentions were not malicious and that the video aimed to impart an empowering message for women.

“I just want anyone commenting to KNOW it’s nothing weird or ill about this video we ACTED out to leave a message and promote my latest launch. Which inspires every woman to feel BEAUTIFUL, FEARLESS, and ACCEPTED WITHIN no matter what.”

Despite the heavy criticism, Jayda also received a considerable amount of supportive feedback from her fans and loyal followers. Many took to the comments to praise her efforts and achievements.

One fan commented, “The growth is amazing. I remember when my girl Jayda first dropped those thermal sets, and the orange thong swim sets and all.” Another fan added, “This is so tea. I get the concept, it’s like you shooting a movie. The girls that get it, get it… they wouldn’t understand.”

As of now, Jayda Cheaves’ new Malibu Capsule is available for purchase. The question remains: will you shop the Waydamin swimwear collection? Did the promotional video resonate with you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Source: Prince Williams / Getty