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Jelly Roll’s Wife Gains Faith After Major Health Scare: ‘Praise Jesus’

Bunnie Xo, wife of Jelly Roll, faced a significant health scare recently. She had been dealing with strange headaches for several months. This led her to undergo an MRI, where doctors discovered an aneurysm on her carotid artery, one of her greatest fears. This revelation gave her an unexpected lesson in faith.

On Tuesday, Bunnie shared the news of her MRI appointment with her Facebook followers. By Friday, she released a video explaining her ordeal, calling it “a nightmare” she’d been living for the past four days.

“In March, I started getting really bad headaches, really weird headaches that I’ve never gotten before,” she explained. Bunnie scheduled an MRI/MRA with her doctor, and the scan revealed an aneurysm on her carotid artery. Though the doctors said she would need another scan to confirm this diagnosis, the news was deeply troubling. Her family history added to her anxiety; her mother had also suffered from an aneurysm that ruptured, but she survived.

To her followers, Bunnie expressed the intense fear she felt, describing those days as feeling like she had “a death sentence.” This situation forced her to confront her own mortality. “You have to kind of come to grips with your own mortality and that’s never a fun experience to go through, ever,” she said somberly.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the aneurysm was found to be only two millimeters in size. “Nobody wants to walk around with a grenade in their head,” Bunnie commented, acknowledging the small size but significant risk.

She met with a neurosurgeon on Friday, who brought some relief by suggesting that what appeared on her scans might actually be an artifact rather than an aneurysm. He even questioned why she had been referred to him. Although this might have sounded reassuring, Bunnie decided to seek a second opinion to ensure she was fully informed. She was also scheduled for another scan in six months, which her neurosurgeon believed would confirm his assessment.

“Praise Jesus I got this cleared,” Bunnie said to her followers, sharing her relief. She reflected further on the scare, saying it made her want to appreciate her family and friends more. It has also made her reevaluate her relationship with God, something she is committed to nurturing from now on.

Bunnie’s health scare prompted her to post another emotional message on Facebook on Sunday. “I tell you what, this health scare put so much in perspective for me,” she wrote, emphasizing her newfound appreciation for the people in her life. She added, “Even my husband texting me last night saying ‘You’re my best friend.’ Brought me to tears.”

Encouraging her followers to cherish their loved ones, she expressed gratitude for the support she received. “Love your loved ones a little more today for me, would you?” she requested, concluding her post with a heartfelt “I love you guys- Happy Sunday.”

Source: Fox News