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Jenn Confronts Sam M. at ‘Men Tell All’ Reunion

Welcome back, rose lovers! We made it through four hours of The Bachelorette — and we’re down to the final two men.

Let’s recap!

Fade in on the Tealight Candle Thunderdome. Our handsome host, Jesse Palmer, strides on stage as the guys lead the crowd in an appreciative chant: “Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!” After the crowd simmers down, Palmer introduces the men — several of whom have made choices with their jewelry.

Sam M. and Aaron on ‘The Bachelorette’.


I guess Sam M. has to head out to Mordor after this. Before Palmer gets to rehashing all the drama with the guys, he throws it back to Hawaii, where Devin just showed up at Jenn’s door for a surprise chat. As you probably recall from last night’s episode, Devin is spiraling because Jenn didn’t say “I love you” back — which either means she is not going to choose him or (more likely) that Devin has never seen this show before. “This is probably the end for me,” he says in his voiceover.

Jenn will be the judge of that, sir. Let’s listen in to their convo.

Devin spits out his feelings on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Look, I get that Devin is upset and nervous, but man does it take him a long time to express his point. “I’m just in a weird headspace with my feelings,” he says. “I haven’t been the priority in so many of my relationships… I feel like I’m the safe option for you because I am the way I am. I feel like I’m wanted here but I don’t feel like I’m needed here, and that scares me. Because I risked everything for you. My feelings, my sanity. I want to get to the end, but I don’t know how to get there with you right now — that’s not for lack of feelings. I love you… Proposals are next week, and I still don’t know where your head’s at, and that scares the [bleep] out of me.”

Jenn listens, her face registering various levels of concern. When she speaks, she apologizes to Devin for not “reassuring” him. “I don’t know how to be in a healthy relationship,” she admits, choking up. “I want to do that for you… I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.” Girl, just say “I love you”! It’s ok to say it to two finalists — just ask Ben Higgins!

Jenn declares her love for Devin on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Well, all that’s left now is for Jonathon to be sent home. You know I’m not jumping the gun, rose lovers — Jenn has now told two of her three finalists that she loves them. Clearly, the odd one out is getting the boot. Rose ceremony roll call! And our final two are… Devin and Marcus, of course. They each hug Jonathon goodbye, and Marcus whispers a few extra words of support.

Devin comforts Jonathon on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Okay, that’s pretty sweet. If ABC hadn’t already named Grant the Bachelor, I’d be in full #TeamJonathon mode right now. As he bids farewell to Jenn on the Bye Bye Bench™, Jonathon chides himself for being a “slow burn,” adding, “I think you were perfect for me, and I wasn’t perfect for you.” Ooof, poor guy. That said, it’s highly unlikely that Mr. Jonathon Johnson is going to be single for long. In any case, it’s time to welcome him to the Tealight Candle Thunderdome!

Jonathon on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Looking good, sir. Also looking good? Brett, Bachelor Nation’s big, burly sweetheart. While Jenn sent him home night one, the 28-year-old from Pennsylvania got a lot of love in his DMs, some of which get thrown up on the big screen. Some are normal (“You are such a stud”); some are decidedly not (“Hi, do you do foot content?”). The big old lovebug handles it with class and humor: “I do not do foot content — yet.” GET THIS MAN ON PARADISE, STAT!

Brett feels the love on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Oh, hooray. It’s time for the drama montage — which, of course, features a supercut of Sam M. saying “keep the main thing the main thing” and “ferocious love.”

I am so sick of all these guys. If I never have to see Aaron Erb’s smug face and his stupid statement pearls again, it’ll be too soon. But Palmer kicks off the discussion by asking him to explain his decision to drop a “wrong reasons™” bomb on Jenn on his way out the door. Aaron says he was trying to warn Jenn about Sam N. (the “love virgin,” for those of you with memories as short as mine), and… Spencer?

Hakeem marvels at Aaron Erb’s audacity on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Hell yeah, Hakeem. I second that “WHAT?” Honestly, Aaron’s explanation is pretty lame — he says it seemed like Spencer wasn’t “fully healed” from his broken engagement — but honestly, all he wants is more camera time. And bro, no one — and I mean absolutely no one — believes your claim that when you gave Devin that (fake) self-help book, you weren’t intentionally trying to recreate what happened to your brother on his season. Speaking of the better Erb…

Noah and Abigail on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Even he thinks Aaron acted like a d-bag. “Aaron, you’re my twin, we were in the womb together, but I don’t think the book’s the move,” he says. “I don’t think anybody should tell somebody that they are or aren’t read.” Preach, better Erb!

Moving on. Palmer then pivots the discussion to Sam M. and his beef with Devin, who, of course, is not there to defend himself. It’s gross to give that controlling, obnoxious liar any more screen time, but at least the segment gives us this sick burn from the host:

Jesse Palmer focuses on the ‘main thing’ on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Oh, and the burns just keep on coming. “Have you ever seen Mean Girls?” asks Jeremy. “And, like, Lindsay Lohan’s character claims she hates Regina George, but all she does is talk about Regina George? That was like Sam and Devin.” Clearly, Jeremy has studied the Bachelor Nation fandom — we do love a Mean Girls meme. Nice work, sir.

For his part, Sam M. says he wishes that his “delivery” would have been “better,” but he’s always been “all in or all out” when it comes to love. Can we be done with this guy now? Unfortunately, no.

Sam M. smirks in the hot seat on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Ugh. Of course, Sam M. gets a whole hot seat segment. Gross, but inevitable. After watching the montage of his “journey” on the show, Sam M. pretends to be chastened by his behavior. He also claims that he did, in fact, love Jenn — he just “fell short” when it came to expressing why he loved her. As for his comment that Jenn was “dull” in their final conversation, Sam M. wants the world to know that he was referring to the lack of energy and light in her eyes. Audience, are you buying it?

An audience member at ‘The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All’ reunion.


I didn’t think so. But Sam insists that he’s in full Learn and Grow mode. “All I can do is watch this and take the mistakes that I made in all of this, and make sure that I can correct them and apply them to the next relationship that stands in front of me.” Whatever, dude. Clear the couch — it’s time for Jonathon to take the hot seat.

Jesse Palmer invites Jonathon to Paradise on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Hell yeah! Jonathon is headed to Paradise in 2025. Thank you, reality TV gods. Now do Brett!

Grant — a.k.a. the next Bachelor — shows up next. He’s “grateful” and “excited” for his “journey.” He seems like a nice enough young man, and the other contestants seem to genuinely like him — which is always a good sign. See you in January, bro.

Enough testosterone. Let’s get the woman of the (two) hour(s) out here.

Jenn greets her men on ‘The Bachelorette’.


Jonathon compliments Jenn’s dress and then thanks her for helping him grow as a person, or whatever. “You have such a big, big heart,” raves the Bachelorette. “And I’m happy to have crossed paths with you.”

That’s nice. But I’d much rather hear from Jenn about the guys who annoyed her — like Thomas N., for example. Jenn is still irked that he pulled Devin aside to yell at him in week 2. “You could have settled the drama later on,” she says, adding that she appreciated their night one conversation about growing up with immigrant parents. “Had you kept your focus on me, maybe the journey would have turned out a little bit different for you.” Thomas N. agrees. “If I could do anything back, it would be to not leave you alone and deal with Devin later,” he admits. “That was on me.”

Now for the good stuff: Jenn Tran is ready to go off on Sam M. Cue the split-screen!