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Jennifer Aniston Doused in Oil in Dramatic On-Camera Incident

Jennifer Aniston on the set of The Morning Show

Jennifer Aniston was on the receiving end of some angry protesters on Sunday when she had oil thrown at her.

The Friends star was in New York filming scenes for The Morning Show when she was coated in the black substance.

Cameras rolled to capture the moment as Jennifer stood within a crowd as the oil ran down her chic outfit.

She looked fuming with the crowds chanting behind her with their picket boards.

It wasn’t immediately obvious what they were protesting but all will be revealed when the new season airs on Apple.
Jennifer Aniston gets oil thrown at her during a scene for The Morning Show

Jennifer recently made headlines in the real world when she defended Vice President Kamala Harris after Senator J.D. Vance called her a “childless cat lady” in a resurfaced interview.

Taking to Instagram, Jennifer blasted the senator’s words and wrote: “I truly can’t believe that this is coming from a potential VP of the United States.”
Jennifer was in New York

The Ohio senator was officially named as Donald Trump’s running mate on July 15.

Jennifer continued: “All I can say is…. Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too.”
Jennifer Aniston looked less than impressed during the scene

At the time, the senator declared: “It’s just a basic fact… the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?”

Jennifer has been open about her struggles with fertility and wrote a candid article for The Huffington Post in 2016 addressing the public’s interest in her personal life.
Jennifer has been open about her fertility journey

“Here’s where I come out on this topic,” she wrote. “We are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies. That decision is ours and ours alone.”

She elaborated on her unsuccessful IVF journey when she told Allure: “It was a challenging road for me, the baby-making road.”
Jennifer tried many times to get pregnant

“My late 30s, 40s, I’d gone through really hard [expletive], and if it wasn’t for going through that, I would’ve never become who I was meant to be. I was trying to get pregnant.”

She continued: “I was going through IVF, drinking Chinese teas, you name it. I was throwing everything at it.”

“I would’ve given anything if someone had said to me, ‘Freeze your eggs. Do yourself a favor.’ You just don’t think it. So here I am today. The ship has sailed.”

However, Jennifer said: “I have zero regrets. I actually feel a little relief now because there is no more, ‘Can I? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.’ I don’t have to think about that anymore.”

Source:, The Huffington Post, Allure