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‘Jeopardy!’ Isaac Hirsch Receives Numerous ‘Thirsty’ DMs From Men

In his time on Jeopardy!, Isaac Hirsch was not only a great champion but also a popular contestant. While many people find reasons to dislike long-running champs, Isaac was likable and self-deprecating, which helped him acquire a substantial fanbase. Interestingly, it also appears he has received numerous direct messages (DMs) from admirers who find him attractive.

Isaac has a girlfriend, but that hasn’t stopped a flood of “thirsty DMs” from men. Here’s what Hirsch had to say about the unexpected attention.

Isaac Hirsch shared that after his stint on Jeopardy!, he started getting messages from people who thought he was attractive. Many of these DMs were from men despite Isaac being in a committed relationship. He opened up about this during his appearance on the What is… A Jeopardy! podcast.

Hirsch explained that the messages he received were mainly “thirsty DMs” from guys. This led him to the realization that he had garnered a significant following on “gay Twitter.”

He mentioned becoming an unexpected “low-key gay icon” through his appearance on Jeopardy! Isaac found this revelation surprising, saying, “It was maybe the most surprising part of all of it. Because I’ve been out in public, and as far as I know, I’ve never been hit on. So to see the gays be so thirsty and complimentary of me – deeply flattering but also completely unexpected.”

He even humorously questioned whether he fit the description of a “twink.”

Isaac also discussed the attention he received from LGBTQ+ fans while his episodes were airing. This was a new experience for him. He joked that if he were single and not straight, he could have had a great time with all the praise.

Initially, Isaac received tweets, but this soon escalated to numerous DMs, mostly from men. He noted that about 70% of these flirtatious messages were from men, compared to 30% from women.

Isaac’s dress style, which had a vintage 1970s flair, helped him stand out on the show and likely contributed to the attention he received. He mentioned that while most DMs were relatively polite, some were quite direct. “They were all relatively polite for an intro DM. If I had responded, I’m sure they would have gotten dirty,” he admitted. He decided only to respond to non-flirtatious messages, thanking those people for their support.

Isaac revealed that he has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for five years. The influx of DMs and unexpected attention has been an unusual but flattering experience for him.

What are your thoughts on the DMs that Isaac Hirsch has received following his Jeopardy! appearance? Do they surprise you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: various sources