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Jeremy Clarkson Addresses Complaints About Prices at New Pub Opening

Jeremy Clarkson has addressed concerns regarding the pricing of food and drinks at his newly opened pub, The Farmer’s Dog.

On Friday, August 23, hundreds gathered outside the new establishment in Asthall, near Burford in Oxfordshire, eager to experience the pub on its opening day.

The Farmer’s Dog offers two distinct menus: a weekday main menu featuring British classics such as sausage and mash, steak pie, and a Lancashire hotpot. During weekends, patrons can enjoy a carvery from midday until 9 PM.

When the menu was initially shared on the pub’s Instagram page, followers noticed the absence of prices, sparking speculation that the offerings might be on the more expensive side. Comments included concerns like, “You know it’s expensive when they don’t include the prices,” and “No prices. Always a worry.”

Addressing the speculations, Clarkson humorously responded to a Twitter comment suggesting patrons might need to remortgage their homes, stating, “It’s £5.50 a pint.”

The former Top Gear host emphasized that the restaurant’s dishes are made from locally sourced produce, primarily supplied by British farmers. “The menu changes – it’s whatever we’ve got. There’s no Coca-Cola, no coffee; other pubs do coffee. Cornish tea. We do British food,” he explained to the crowd during the opening.

He proudly mentioned that even the black pepper and sugar used in the pub are grown by British farmers. Clarkson himself sampled some of the dishes, like the gammon, parsley sauce, and bubble and squeak. Some ingredients are sourced directly from his Diddly Squat farm, famously featured in his Amazon series, Clarkson’s Farm.

Reports from LadBible revealed that main dishes range from £15 for a vegetable and cheddar crumble to £19 for the Lancashire hotpot. Smaller plate options include chicken liver pate with onion chutney for £9 and garlic mushrooms with a poached egg for £8. Desserts such as apple crumble and the cheesecake of the day are priced at £8, while strawberry meringue costs £9.

The pub also offers a range of merchandise aligned with Clarkson’s Hawkstone brewery. The most expensive item, a Hawkstone jumper, sells for £60. Other items include an apron for £40, a goat-themed T-shirt for £28, a dog bowl for £35, and a bottle opener for £14.

When asked why he opted to open a pub, Clarkson explained that it was a pivot from his original plan to open a restaurant at his farm, which didn’t materialize. He remarked, “We wanted to have that restaurant on the farm last year and we couldn’t, and pubs, they are all for sale. So, we thought instead of building a restaurant, we would buy a pub.”

Clarkson’s ventures have not been without controversy. His attempts to expand his Diddly Squat farm project have previously faced opposition from locals in West Oxfordshire. Some residents expressed concerns that the new pub’s operations might lead to local traffic problems, given its proximity to the busy A40. However, Oxfordshire County Council has worked closely with Clarkson and his team to mitigate potential traffic issues before the launch.

Describing his experience of becoming a pub landlord as “terribly stressful,” Clarkson noted the numerous unforeseen challenges that come with the role.

Source: PA Media, LadBible