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Job-Seeker Outraged by Ad Excluding Female Applicants

A woman has taken to TikTok after discovering a job application that explicitly stated it wasn’t open to female applicants.

In a video that’s garnered nearly 300,000 views, content creator Brooke recounted how she was scrolling through Craigslist to help her partner find job openings.

She soon came across a position for a roof cleaner-repair technician and suggested her partner check it out. To her shock, the application included a statement that read, “Do you understand that we don’t hire females?”

“Why can’t women clean gutters and do solar power cleaning? And pressure washing? Why don’t you hire females? Just curious,” Brooke ranted.

“Literally cannot believe the audacity,” she added in the caption of her TikTok video.


literally cannot believe the audacity #sacramento #sactown #imjustagirl #wtf

It didn’t take long for viewers to share their own alleged experiences at various companies.

“I was applying for a job at the same company where my fiancé works. They had a meeting begging for people to have friends apply, and he mentioned me four times. HR looked him straight in the face and said no women,” one person wrote.

Another added, “I’ve had a man tell me my work ethic was so great that he’d love to have me on his team, but I’d be too much of a distraction for his boys.”

Meanwhile, a third user commented, “My brother is a mechanic and has told me they don’t hire women because they don’t want the trouble of making sure the men behave, but also criticizes how women are never mechanics.”

Source: indy100