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Joe Rogan’s Netflix Special Criticized for Anti-Vax Jokes, Mocking Trans People

Joe Rogan’s first stand-up special in six years streamed live on Netflix overnight (4 August), where he took aim at Covid vaccines, trans people, and gay men.

The special, titled Burn the Boats, showcased the 56-year-old comedian and podcaster addressing his contentious reputation. “That might be misinformation,” Rogan quipped following one joke. “Don’t say you heard it from me, because I am known for that s***.”

Opening the special with comments on the pandemic, Rogan said, “Before Covid, I would have told you that vaccines are the most important invention in human history. After Covid, I’m like, ‘I don’t think we went to the moon. I think Michelle Obama’s got a d***. I think Pizzagate is real. I think there’s direct energy weapons in Antarctica.’” He added with a laugh, “I’m just kidding – I don’t think Michelle Obama’s got a d***, but I believe all of that other s***.”

Rogan next turned his focus to the trans community, making numerous jokes about “pregnant men” and criticizing what he sees as excessive acceptance of trans people in the US. “I’m open-minded,” he declared. “I just want to know what happened. It’s almost like a pervert wizard waved a magic spell on the whole world. ‘With a wave of this wand, you can walk into the women’s locker room with a hard c***, and anybody who complains is a Nazi. Abracadabra!’

“And it just works! And everyone just accepts this new reality, and it’s f***ing weird. I just think we need standards. You can’t just put lipstick on and now you can s*** in the women’s room!”

Later in the show, Rogan made derogatory jokes about gay men, expressing his distaste, saying he doesn’t “want to be surrounded by them.”

Burn the Boats was recorded live at the Majestic Theatre in San Antonio, marking Rogan’s return to stand-up since his 2018 special Strange Times. This is his third Netflix special, following Triggered from 2016.

Rogan has been no stranger to controversy over the past few years due to the spread of conspiracy theories on his widely popular podcast. Spotify faced considerable pressure in 2022 to sever ties with Rogan over his anti-coronavirus vaccine comments and use of racial slurs. Musicians such as Neil Young even pulled their music from the platform in protest.

Rogan’s latest Netflix special is part of a string of controversial content on the streaming platform. Previous specials from comedians Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais have faced significant backlash for their jokes about trans people, sparking discussions about the boundaries of comedy and the right to free speech versus the potential harm of offensive material.

As Rogan continues to navigate the delicate balance of humor and controversy, the reception of Burn the Boats will likely add to the ongoing conversation about the responsibility of comedians in addressing sensitive social topics.

Source: The Independent, The Guardian