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Joey Lawrence’s Wife Samantha Files for Sole Physical Custody in Divorce

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Joey Lawrence‘s wife has filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. Samantha Lawrence is asking for sole physical custody of their daughter with significant restrictions on Joey.

Samantha, who has been married to Joey for two years, filed the divorce papers two months after their reported separation in June. She is blocking the court’s ability to award either of them spousal support but is demanding most of the access to their daughter.


In the documents, she requests 100% physical custody. Joey would be allowed to visit only at her discretion.

She stated that once their daughter, Dylan, born in January 2023, turns three, Joey could have her for up to two nights a week. However, Samantha doesn’t want Joey to take Dylan for extended periods until she is older and can consent to such visits.


Samantha has also specified that non-family members should not be around Dylan during visits with Joey unless she gives approval.

The stringent requests could indicate potential custody battles ahead.

Joey and Samantha met while filming a Lifetime movie in 2020, got engaged in August 2021, and married in May 2022.

Recently, Samantha unfollowed Joey on Instagram, removed him from her bio, and posted cryptic messages suggesting a split.

We have reached out to Joey but have yet to receive a response.

Source: Particle News