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Jon Voight Criticizes Daughter Angelina Jolie’s Stance on Israel-Hamas

Jon Voight is criticizing his daughter Angelina Jolie over her stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In a new cover story for Variety, the controversial actor claimed his daughter has “been exposed to propaganda” and “influenced by antisemitic people.” The actress and humanitarian called for an “immediate ceasefire” in the ongoing conflict last year, condemning the bombing in Gaza.

“Angie has a connection to the U.N., and she’s enjoyed speaking out for refugees,” Voight said. “But these people are not refugees.”

Jolie worked with the United Nations for over two decades, primarily building awareness and support for refugees. She first joined in 2001 as a goodwill ambassador before she was made special envoy in 2012. The Eternals star stepped down in 2022 to engage on a broader set of humanitarian and human rights issues.

Jon Voight; Angelina Jolie.


Voight, meanwhile, proposed his daughter has been subjected to misinformation from Hollywood. “They have no idea what’s going on,” he said, according to the publication. “It’s a bubble.” When the reporter challenged the assumption that Jolie doesn’t have access to the right information, Voight’s face reportedly went “red” and “beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.”

“I love my daughter. I don’t want to fight with my daughter,” Voight said, apparently “heatedly.”

He added, “But the fact is, I think she has been influenced by the U.N. From the beginning, it’s been awful with human rights. They call it human rights, but it’s just anti-Israel bashing.”

“She’s ignorant of what the real stakes are and what the real story is because she’s in the loop of the United Nations,” he concluded.

Entertainment Weekly has reached out to Jolie’s reps for comment.

Voight and Jolie, also the daughter of Marcheline Bertrand, were long estranged but reconciled in 2010 — though that did not stop Voight from hitting back against Jolie upon the release of her statement last year. In his own post shared on social media, Voight said he was “disappointed” in his daughter.

The outspoken Donald Trump supporter also continued to advocate for the presidential hopeful in the interview. “I’ve been saying he’s the answer, the only answer,” Voight said.

Source: Variety, Entertainment Weekly