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Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult Explore American Racism in Thriller ‘The Order’

The cast of The Order delved into some grim territories to portray a true story on American racism. The new film, directed by Justin Kurzel (known for Macbeth and Assassin’s Creed ), features Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, Jurnee Smollett, and Zach Baylin. They all attended the world premiere of the film at the 2024 Venice Film Festival, where it competed.

Inspired by Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt’s 1989 non-fiction book The Silent Brotherhood , the movie centers on an FBI investigation into a series of bank robberies and car heists in the Pacific Northwest. Jude Law plays Terry Husk, a lone FBI agent who suspects these crimes are perpetrated by a group of dangerous domestic terrorists. His investigation eventually leads him to a white supremacist group led by the charismatic Bob Mathews, portrayed by Nicholas Hoult.

Although the story is set in the 1980s, Law emphasized the film’s contemporary relevance, noting the rise of far-right extremist groups worldwide.

“Sadly, the relevance speaks for itself,” Law remarked. “It felt like a piece of work that needed to be made now. It’s always interesting finding a piece from the past that has some relevant relationship to the present day.”

Hoult added, “Hopefully the film, perhaps, if people see it, can shed more light on how these sorts of events occur and on the people that are instigating them, [and can] help prevent it happening anymore in the future.”

Hoult mentioned that preparing for his role required delving into “a lot of horrible, dark stuff,” which was unpleasant but necessary for authenticity. Other cast members shared similar experiences.

Smollett, who prepared for her role by interviewing numerous Black and Latinx former FBI agents, explained how personal these cases were for them. She pointed out that for many agents, work became an all-consuming identity, and they sacrificed much of their personal lives for it.

Law appreciated Kurzel’s realistic approach to the movie, even when it came to minor details like facial hair.

“There was a lot of discussion of facial hair,” Law said. “Every agent I interviewed had a mustache, so it was just a given. It almost became a joke that every agent had an enormous stash.”

The Order is scheduled for a U.S. release in December via Vertical, with Amazon Prime Video distributing it across several international territories.

Source: source names