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Julia Fox Stuns in the World’s Most Baffling Sunglasses

When it comes to weird outfits, Julia Fox is always on top, bar none. Since she stepped on the scene, we’ve woken up every day in absolute fear of what she might wear next. (In the best way, of course.) She’s become synonymous with her super out-there looks, but more surprisingly—how effortlessly she pulls them off. Few people can wear the things she’s worn, so we have to give her props for seriously committing to the bit. Even though, it’s definitely not a bit anymore.

Just yesterday, Julia wore a weird-yet-futuristic pair of Oakley sunglasses. Ato Boldon actually wore the same pair in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and the whole world was shook. Julia of course, had to put her own Bratty twist on the glasses. The specks alone are wild enough to turn heads, but the weirdness didn’t stop there. In true Julia fashion, she paired the glasses with basketball shorts and a clear plastic purse. As with most of Julia’s looks, we’re super confused but also super intrigued.

We’ve seen Julia wear everything from hair extensions on her feet to a dress made of plastic wrap, and she somehow keeps outdoing herself. And as much as we want to hate her outfits, she never fails to make even the most confusing pieces look chic. This is a talent that doesn’t go unrecognized, which is exactly why Charli XCX coined the phrase “I’m so Julia,” in her honor. Secretly, we all want to be as bold and unapologetic as Julia—but the truth is we’d opt for a T-shirt and jeans over a plastic wrap dress any day. So, all we can do is appreciate Julia Fox’s iconic outfits from afar.

Source: particlenews, pmcmedia