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Julianne Hough discusses breakups with Ryan Seacrest, Brooks Laich and her ‘addiction loop’

Julianne Hough recently shared insights on why her past relationships may have failed. The 36-year-old Dancing with the Stars veteran, who is currently working on a sci-fi novel, opened up about her relationships with ex-boyfriend Ryan Seacrest, 49, and ex-husband Brooks Laich, 41, during an episode of the Armchair Expert podcast.

Julianne reminisced about her whirlwind romance with Seacrest, describing her feelings as “head-over-heels” and experiencing “things I didn’t even know existed” during their three-year relationship that began in 2010. This period was both exhilarating and disorienting for her.

“The rug was swept up from underneath me, and I was just flying and I was experiencing things that I didn’t even know existed,” she explained. Insecurity crept in as she worried about being perceived as using Seacrest for his status, causing her to “play smaller” and become malleable to fit his needs.

Reflecting on her past relationships, Julianne questioned whether she had genuinely experienced love. “I don’t know if I’ve ever truly been in love with someone, but I have loved the feeling of being loved,” she admitted. She often adapted to be what others needed, but now wonders if she ever truly loved them back.

The stark realization that she was “oblivious” and “disassociated” during her relationship with Seacrest dawned on her gradually. Their careers diverged, making it difficult to sustain the relationship. Julianne recalled deciding to end things and facing backlash from people within their social circle who felt she was jeopardizing a “set up” life.

Her next high-profile relationship, with NHL star Brooks Laich, also came under the microscope. The couple got married in 2017, but Julianne recognized “orange flags” before tying the knot. She mentioned that Brooks faced tough times, including injuries and team trades, which coincided with the year they got married and when things started unraveling for both of them.

In September 2019, Julianne sought a separation from Brooks. Just a week later, she faced the tragic loss of her dogs, Lexi and Harley, which left her feeling out of control. This period made her realize the significant impact of her life changes. Despite the hardship, Julianne felt their relationship was true and its end was appropriate.

“I feel like our relationship and our marriage was exactly right, and the end of it is right, too. We both have regrets that it didn’t work out… He was contracting while I was expanding. We just couldn’t find each other in that,” she said, adding that she has only dated “great human beings.”

Later in the podcast, Julianne opened up about how the entertainment industry led her into an “addiction loop.” She referenced her experience with alcohol, diet pills, Nicorette gum, and online shopping as part of this cycle, explaining how these addictions gradually took control over a span of 12 years.

Julianne’s journey in the film industry, starting with her role in the 2010 movie Burlesque, further complicated things. Reflecting on her experiences, she admitted it brought a big sense of relief when she recognized these addictive behaviors.

Julianne also revealed that she had her first drink at the age of 11, but her heavy drinking began later during her music career. “When I started doing country music, everybody drinks on tour, so then I would drink a little bit,” she shared. The reason she fell off the stage at a 2008 show was likely due to alcohol mixing poorly with earlier wine tastings that day.

Despite the ups and downs, Julianne seems to have come to terms with her past, gaining clarity and a sense of relief from understanding her patterns and behaviors.

Source: Daily Mail