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Kamala Harris Copies Trump Again; Now She Proposes Building the Wall

On Tuesday, a surprising statement from Vice President Kamala Harris stirred conversations across various political landscapes: she expressed support for the construction of the border wall. This unexpected shift seems almost satirical, resembling something from a fictitious news outlet, yet it is very much real.

Harris, who is the Democratic presidential nominee, has now endorsed a key initiative of former President Donald Trump, which many progressives have long criticized. According to Axios, a left-leaning news outlet, this marks a significant change in her position, reflecting a trend in which she has shifted from her previous liberal stances on issues such as Medicare for All and fracking—policies her aides now suggest she opposes.

This apparent flip-flop has raised questions, especially since Harris has not participated in any interviews or press conferences since President Joe Biden exited the race last month. However, an interview with CNN is set for Thursday, although Harris will not be appearing solo; Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will join her, which some perceive as a sign that she may struggle to handle a solo interview.

The scheduling of this interview has generated unease within her campaign, likely stemming from a lack of a clear agenda for her potential presidency. Additionally, Harris has occasionally faltered during off-teleprompter moments, further contributing to her campaign’s anxiety.

Reflecting on her past statements, it is notable that during her 2019 campaign for the Democratic nomination, Harris was vocally opposed to the border wall, calling it Trump’s “medieval vanity project” and labeling it as “un-American” in 2018. In 2020, she even referred to the wall as a “complete waste of taxpayer money” that wouldn’t enhance safety.

During her initial presidential bid, she advocated for decriminalizing illegal border crossings and extending healthcare benefits to undocumented immigrants under her Medicare-for-All plan. She assured voters that she would not pursue deportation for undocumented immigrants who had not committed additional offenses.

Fast forward to the present, and immigration has emerged as a pivotal concern for American voters, intensified by the ongoing challenges at the southern border, which the Biden-Harris administration has managed with significant controversy. Despite her appointment as the border czar back in 2021, Harris has been criticized for failing to implement measures that would effectively curb illegal immigration.

Recognizing her apparent vulnerability on the issue, the campaign now attempts to portray Harris as a staunch defender of border security, although such efforts seem undermined by her historical positions and statements.

At the recent Democratic National Convention, Harris pledged to support a bipartisan Senate bill allocating funds to continue the construction of the border wall while also featuring ads that prominently depict the wall. This dramatic policy pivot leads observers to question the sincerity of her newfound commitments.

Moreover, this border wall reversal is not an isolated instance. It exemplifies a broader pattern of Harris’s changing positions, seemingly based on political expediency rather than firmly held beliefs. The limited policy proposals she has put forward since becoming the nominee, including controversial price controls on groceries, have been met with skepticism even from fellow Democrats, who suggest the ideas are unlikely to pass through Congress.

Additionally, Harris’s recent proposal to eliminate taxes on tipped wages echoes a similar idea previously proposed by Trump, raising eyebrows about the originality of her platform. This trend of borrowing from Trump’s agenda, while simultaneously portraying him as the antithesis of democratic values, complicates the narrative her campaign aims to present.

The general ambiguity surrounding Harris’s true positions and ideas has created confusion regarding the role of her running mate, Walz. Reports indicate a risk in sending him for solo interviews, owing to the uncertainty of his grasp on Harris’s stances across various issues.

Ultimately, many are left wondering about Kamala Harris’s true identity as a political leader and what principles genuinely guide her. It raises a critical question: Who is she really?

Source: various news outlets