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Kamala Harris’ Inaugural Sit-Down Notably Felt Quite Ordinary

Vice President Kamala Harris recently opened up about her presidential campaign in her first interview, which arrived after a month of speculation regarding her decision not to engage with journalists. Conducted by CNN’s Dana Bash, the interview took place at Kim’s Cafe in Savannah, Georgia, and was marked by a sense of routine rather than revelation.

During the conversation, Harris was asked about various topics, including her shifting positions on key issues, her role as a historic candidate, her plans for the first day as president, and whether she would consider inviting a Republican to join her Cabinet. Harris confirmed she would be open to such a collaboration.

However, Bash did not address the delay in Harris’s press interactions, nor did the vice president provide insight into her intentions for future interviews as a candidate.

Harris had faced criticism from opponents, including Donald Trump, for her reluctance to engage meaningfully with the press. The absence of interview footage had become a point of contention for Trump’s campaign, which leveraged this gap as a narrative against her. Harris had assured the public that she would begin interviews by the end of August, making the CNN appearance just in time.

In the interview, Bash pressed Harris for clarity on several points, particularly regarding her stance on fracking, which had shifted from her earlier campaign for the presidency in 2020. Bash inquired about the reasoning behind Harris’s changes and the implications for voter trust regarding her current policy positions.

“How should voters be looking at some of the changes in policy?” Bash questioned, prompting Harris to address how her experiences might have influenced her current views.

Additionally, Bash sought Harris’s thoughts on adjusting military aid to Israel as a strategy for advancing peace in the Middle East. While Harris acknowledged the significance of pursuing peace, she did not provide new details or actionable steps in response.

When confronted with Trump’s remarks suggesting that her focus on her Black heritage was a recent development, Harris quickly brushed the comment off, moving on to the next question with little elaboration.

CNN political analyst David Axelrod observed that Harris had raised expectations for the interview by avoiding the press for so long. Post-interview, he stated that she managed to meet the necessity of presenting herself consistently, predicting that the interview’s impact would ultimately be minimal in the broader context of her campaign.

Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, participated in the interview, contributing to the discussion and establishing a connection with viewers through personal anecdotes. Bash asked Walz about his son’s poignant reaction to a Democratic convention speech and shared a meaningful photo of Harris’s niece during the event.

This inclusion of Walz followed a tradition among candidates, akin to partnerships seen with past presidential pairs. However, given the limited time frame of Harris’s campaign and her previous lack of solo interviews, this decision generated mixed reactions.

Some Republicans criticized the choice as a way for Harris to avoid tough questions, arguing that Walz acted as a buffer that allowed her to sidestep challenging moments. The Wall Street Journal described the move as a further ‘insult to American voters.’

Throughout the interview, Bash directed only a handful of questions to Walz, ensuring Harris remained the focal point. The exchange underscored the imperative for Harris to connect with voters and convey her campaign messages effectively.

This interaction was significant not only as a step in Harris’s campaign but also as a notable moment for Bash, who had previously moderated a high-stakes debate between Trump and President Biden, where the candidates’ performances were heavily scrutinized.

As the election year progresses, Harris’s ability to engage the media and emerge convincingly as a candidate will be critical components of her campaign strategy. With a mixture of opportunities and obstacles ahead, it remains to be seen how her approach will evolve.

Source: CNN