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Kate Beckinsale Discloses Reason for Her Mystery Hospital Stay
Taylor Hill/WireImage via Getty Images

Kate Beckinsale has recently provided more details about the circumstances that led to her mysterious hospitalization via a passionate Instagram post.

The English actress had previously posted a photo of herself in a hospital bed in a Mother’s Day message back in March. At that time, she didn’t explain the nature of her hospitalization, instead choosing to praise “those that love us and support us when it’s shit and try to make sure there are some bits that aren’t… And turn up when we are sick and sit with us… And send balloons and check in and pull us out of wells with love.”

A month later, Beckinsale posted a video of herself wearing a t-shirt labeled “tummy troubles survivor,” without offering any further details.

However, on Monday, Beckinsale took to Instagram to address some of her followers who criticized her for not engaging in what they considered to be “age-appropriate” activities. In the video, the Van Helsing star wore a pink, off-the-shoulder crop top and matching bikini paired with black platform boots while tying a black hairnet into a bow.

“I thought I’d let them kick off their week with a little stab of joy of me putting on a hairnet,” she said in the video. The caption accompanying the video read, “Let’s have a toast for the douche bags, Let’s have a toast for the assholes, Let’s have a toast for the scumbags 😘😘😘😘.”

Despite receiving some positive feedback, including a heart emoji from Lauren Sanchez, one particular comment criticizing her appearance prompted Beckinsale to open up about her recent health issues. The follower remarked, “Go do some squats @katebeckinsale I think ur ass ran away.”

Beckinsale responded with a heartfelt and startling admission. She revealed that the stress from recent personal tragedies led to “a hole in my oesophagus which made me vomit copious amounts of blood.”

She elaborated: “No, actually, I watched my stepfather die quite shockingly, my mother has stage 4 cancer, and I lost a lot of weight from stress and grief, quite quickly and then I was in hospital for six weeks because the grief had burned a hole in my oesophagus which made me vomit copious amounts of blood, and I found eating very hard and I just worked very very hard on a movie that was actually quite triggering because it also involved the theme of the death of my father so I’m not really concerned about what you think about my ass.”

Beckinsale previously announced her stepfather, director Roy Battersby, had passed away in a social media post in January.

She concluded her response with: “Maybe you should worry about your own fucking ass. I suggest shoving something up it-like a large pineapple or a brick.”

Source: The Daily Beast.