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Keira Knightley Shares Rare Insight into Her Love Story with James Righton

In Hollywood, celebrity couples face some significant decisions–either being a public couple with PDA on red carpets or keeping their relationship private. For Keira Knightley and James Righton, who have been married since 2013, they manage to strike a perfect balance, rarely discussing their relationship and making infrequent public appearances.

Most recently, the Pride & Prejudice star and her musician husband offered one of those rare glimpses into their relationship in an August 5 episode of the Ruthie’s Table 4 podcast. They reminisced about their relationship and the first time they met back in 2011.

According to Knightley, their meeting seemed fated. “That week, my agent said to me, ‘I’ve had a dream that you’re meeting your future husband this week,’ and I was like, ‘That’s exciting,’” she shared, per People. “So I got invited out to loads of things and I have to say I’d met a load of people that week and I was like, ‘This isn’t happening.’”

Despite her initial skepticism, Knightley agreed to attend more events than usual, including an Academy Awards viewing party she wouldn’t typically go to. When she arrived, the party wasn’t as thrilling as expected. But her friend Tim Phillips arrived, bringing along some companions.

“The door of this private room opens, and my friend Tim’s head comes around followed by another friend’s, and the third head to appear was James,” she recalled about their first encounter. “And James grabbed a seat and said, ‘Hello, I’m your future husband,’ and there he is.” Such confidence left quite an impression on Knightley.

With that audacious opener, it’s not surprising that Knightley was charmed by the musician. “We basically ate and drank until we got married,” she said. “Well, drank until I got pregnant.”

After their 2013 wedding, Knightley and Righton welcomed daughters Edie in 2015 and Delilah in 2019.
Keira Knightley & James Righton.

“It was great because it was a bunch of girls, we were all in our early to mid-twenties,” Knightley reflected on their memorable night. “We were all single and having a fantastic time, and I met [James] in the midst of that when he was also having a fantastic time.”

During the conversation, Knightley also recalled the precise moment she realized Righton was “The One”–and it wasn’t because of his bold introduction.

“I knew it was serious when he very seriously turned around and said, ‘You know, if you want to keep mayonnaise in the fridge, you can,’” she remembered, laughing at her husband’s dislike for condiments. “And I thought, wow.”

“You knew I was the one,” Righton chimed in.

It seems some things are just written in the stars!

Source: People