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Kerry Kennedy Criticizes RFK Jr. for ‘Inexplicable’ Attack on Their Father’s Memory

Kerry Kennedy, sister of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has publicly condemned her brother for endorsing former President Donald Trump, labeling it an “inexplicable effort” to tarnish their father’s legacy. This criticism was articulated during her appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” following Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s announcement that he would be supporting Trump after suspending his own presidential campaign.

“I’m outraged and disgusted by my brother’s gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump,” Kerry Kennedy expressed, making it clear that she strongly dissociates herself from Robert’s actions. She emphasized that his behavior represents a “flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father’s memory.” This statement underscores the deep familial rift resulting from the endorsement.

On the same day, other family members echoed these sentiments, arguing that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Trump is a betrayal of their shared values. They stated that their father, Robert F. Kennedy, believed in principles that are fundamentally at odds with Trump’s agenda.

Kerry Kennedy took the opportunity to reaffirm her support for Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, further criticizing Trump’s influence in American politics. She suggested that if their father were alive today, he would “have detested almost everything Donald Trump represents.”

Highlighting the significance of the upcoming election, Kerry Kennedy stressed, “The stakes this November couldn’t be higher.” She expressed her commitment to fighting for the reelection of leaders who align with the values championed by their family throughout the years. “My whole family will be fighting so hard to reelect Kamala Harris and Coach Walz,” she remarked.

In her critique, Kerry Kennedy described Trump as “the polar opposite” of what their family stands for, asserting that he poses a threat to fundamental American freedoms. She outlined various issues, including a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and the need for safe communities free from gun violence, which she believes are under threat with Trump’s political ideology.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent candidacy has been met with skepticism and outright dismissal by family members ever since he announced his presidential bid last year. Kerry Kennedy’s recent remarks further illustrate the family’s position against his political choices, emphasizing the importance of defeating Trump in the upcoming election.

Describing her brother’s embrace of Trump as “incredibly dangerous,” Kerry Kennedy reflected on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s lifelong commitment to environmental protection. “What Bobby has done here is anathema to everything,” she stated, highlighting the stark contrast between their values and Trump’s policies.

This ongoing family conflict not only sheds light on differing political beliefs but also highlights the emotional toll of political endorsements on personal relationships. As the election draws closer, the Kennedy family continues to rally behind candidates who align with their vision for a better future, reaffirming their commitment to the values instilled by their father.

In conclusion, Kerry Kennedy’s strong objection to her brother’s endorsement of Trump reflects broader societal divisions within American politics today. As opinions among family members diverge significantly, the implications of their disagreements extend beyond personal dynamics, resonating with many voters who face similar conflicts in their own families during this contentious election season.

Source: The Hill