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Kerry Washington Brings Kamala Harris’ Family Onstage for a Name Pronunciation Lesson

Kerry Washington brought two special helpers on stage to teach the proper pronunciation of Vice President Kamala Harris’ name at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Thursday, Aug. 22.

The 47-year-old actress, alongside her Scandal co-star Tony Goldwyn earlier in the evening, utilized her stage time at the DNC with the assistance of Harris’ great-nieces, Amara and Leela.

“It’s come to my attention that there are some folks who struggle, or pretend to struggle, with the proper pronunciation of our future president’s name,” Washington remarked, supporting Harris, 59, before she accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for president.

“So hear me out: Confusion is understandable. Disrespect is not,” she emphasized to the applauding audience.

It was then that the Little Fires Everywhere star decided to help everyone get it right with some very special guests.

“Here to help me are some very special guests,” Washington announced as two little girls, one in a pastel pink pantsuit and the other in a baby blue dress, walked out onstage.

The girls introduced themselves as Amara Ajagu and her little sister Leela Ajagu, both Harris’ great-nieces. They were present at the DNC “to teach you how to say our auntie’s name,” they explained.

According to Amara, the best way to pronounce the first part of Harris’ name is to say “comma, like a comma in a sentence.”

Leela followed by teaching the audience that the second part of her aunt’s name is “luh,” mimicking singing scales. The crowd cheered in support of the kids.

Washington then kneeled to be at eye level with the sisters.

“Put it together and you get — ” she paused to give the girls a chance to join in, in unison: “Kamala!”

The UnPrisoned actress then suggested everyone practice saying Harris’ name correctly, with the aid of the girls. The side closest to Amara chanted “Comma,” while Leela’s side responded with “Luh.”

Following multiple rounds of “Comma-Luh” chants from the room, Washington added, “for president!”

Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, seemed to enjoy the demonstration, as he could be seen mouthing “how cute” to those beside him.

Although Washington didn’t call out anyone specifically, the event followed Republican Rep. Nancy Mace making headlines by repeatedly mispronouncing Harris’ first name on CNN last week.

Source: PEOPLE, YouTube