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Kesha and Kyle Richards Share a Strong Friendship

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It’s been a couple of months since Kesha was finally freed of her long-running legal battle over her music, finally being legally allowed to make music independent of her previous label. As Kesha continues to make music under her own label and explore life post-legal battles, she’s been taking a lot of time to soak in the sun and go on vacation in between her time in the studio.

Following a trip to Lake Tahoe, Kesha’s Instagram story included a photo of herself in a bikini, and she tagged none other than Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kyle Richards in the post.

“Thanks Tahoe for the butt sunburn. LOVE U THANK U [Kyle],” she wrote on the photo. But how long have the pair been friends? Let’s dive into Kyle’s newest music friendship.

Though it’s not entirely clear how long the pair have been friends, in the past few months, they’ve been seen hanging out a bunch publicly. Their first notable public appearance together was in March, when Kyle, Kesha, and Avril Lavigne took pictures together on the white carpet. The prior month, Kyle and Kesha got dinner with Morgan Wade in tow, as Kyle has been on tour with Morgan.

Though this may initially seem like an odd friendship pairing, Kyle and Kesha have run in concentric circles for some time. For starters, Kyle and Morgan have been getting closer, even briefly sparking dating rumors as they became fast friends and seemed to flirt with each other in teasers for RHOBH. Even though Kyle also appeared in a music video of Morgan’s, where they shared a kiss, it was never entirely clear if the two were ever more than friends.

Morgan has publicly defended Kesha as of late, noting that she is a “diehard fan” of the singer’s following the end of her long-running legal feud with her former producer, Dr. Luke.

“Thanks for being such a positive influence and light,” Morgan wrote with a photo of her and Kesha, per Pop Crave. Given how closely their circles run, it makes sense that Kesha and Kyle would become friends. Since their initial meeting, they’ve been spotted multiple times out to dinner together and hanging out.

Though we can’t trace the exact timeline of this pair’s friendship, Kyle has openly gone to bat for her new musician friend. Following a series of body-shaming comments Kesha has received as of late, Kyle defended Kesha to TMZ.

“I do not understand that,” Kyle told the outlet of the hate Kesha’s received on her body. “It’s 2024 and she’s gorgeous. And she’s even more beautiful on the inside.”

“I don’t know why people are still talking about women’s bodies. It’s 2024, they need to move on,” Kyle continued, noting that “people to be a lot kinder.”

It seems that this friendship between Kesha and Kyle is sincere, and Kyle’s circles outside of her RHOBH cast mates continue to grow (though the drama on screen only continues).

Source: Pop Crave, TMZ