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Kevin Smith Teases ‘Clerks 4’ in Trailer for ‘The 4:30 Movie’

Movies are a form of magic. They have the power to transport us to other worlds. Nicole Kidman’s speech for AMC captures this perfectly, highlighting the indescribable feeling that emerges as the lights begin to dim. This kind of magic is what inspires filmmakers to pursue their craft, and some wear this inspiration like a badge of honor in all of their projects. Kevin Smith is one such filmmaker.

I began watching Kevin Smith’s movies as a teenager, and they resonated with me immediately. They struck me at the perfect moment. There was something raw and authentic about them, making the idea of creating movies seem achievable, even the big-budget ones. Smith’s films, regardless of how star-studded they were, always felt like he was just hanging out with his buddies. The dialogue in his movies felt like polished versions of the conversations I had with my own movie-loving friends. It was evident that Smith’s passion for movies matched my own.

Even at his quirkiest, Kevin Smith remains unmistakably Kevin Smith. It’s apparent when you’re watching one of his films. This is partly because he often writes the movies he directs. He imbues them with his essence and sensibilities, whether you align with them or not. His love for making movies is palpable, and now, he’s channeling that passion into his latest project.

Smith’s upcoming film is titled The 4:30 Movie. It centers on a group of teens in 1986 going to the movies, with one of them trying to go on a date with his high school crush. As expected, hijinks ensue. The trailer, released earlier today, is simply delightful. Smith has gathered a talented group of young actors, along with some old favorites. He’s collaborating with a new cinematographer who’s giving the film a vibrant look. It promises to be a fun ride!

The trailer has a deeply heartfelt quality. Smith’s passion for cinema is evident and he channels his childhood memories of movie-going, portraying it as the greatest place on Earth. This sentiment is incredibly infectious, and the nostalgic glow that permeates the visuals only adds to its charm. Even in its silliest moments, there is an earnest sincerity present. I’m incredibly excited for this movie and can’t wait to experience it on the big screen, with snacks in hand and friends by my side.

Source: source names