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Kim Kardashian ‘Jealous’ and ‘Resentful’ Toward Kylie Jenner

Kim Kardashian may be developing some jealousy towards her sister Kylie Jenner. Reasons behind this are more complex than they might initially seem.

There’s always a hint of rivalry among the Kardashian and Jenner sisters, something fans have seen on their family show, The Kardashians. Whether it’s Khloe and Kourtney or Kim and Khloe, the dynamic is ever-shifting. Currently, it appears that Kim and Kylie are experiencing some tension. According to In Touch, Kim is starting to ‘resent’ Kylie.

The root of Kim’s frustration lies in Kylie’s ability to maintain a more private life while still enjoying the support of their mom, Kris Jenner. This support has often been a joked-about topic within the family, with Kris openly showing favoritism towards Kim and Kylie. However, it seems like what’s usually taken lightly might be getting more serious.

“They’ve tried to put differences aside, but things keep coming up,” a source shares. “Kim really resents that Kylie gets away with keeping her personal life private and still manages to stay in their mom’s good graces. Kylie has a different set of rules, and Kim feels it’s really unfair.”

Adding to Kim’s frustrations is the professional rivalry—Kim is upset about Kylie landing the cover of British Vogue.

“Kim can’t stand that Kylie got the cover when she never did,” the source adds. “She’s very jealous.”

Kylie also places significant importance on age, often boasting about being the youngest in the family. This, too, adds fuel to Kim’s frustration.

“Kylie is obsessed with age and being the youngest in the family and always puts her sisters down for being older,” reveals a source.

Kylie even goes as far as telling people that her sisters need to act their age, including Kim.

“In fact, she doesn’t shy away from telling people Kim should start acting her age. It’s just so rude.”

Such behavior doesn’t sit well with her sisters. Fans recently saw all the sisters get upset when Kylie cut short a family trip to Aspen. This fallout doesn’t come as a big surprise considering the ongoing resentment. Nevertheless, the sisters often manage to reconcile and move forward.

Hopefully, Kim and Kylie will also work through their differences. Do you understand Kim Kardashian’s feelings, or do you think she should let go of her resentment? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: In Touch