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King Charles Skips Sleeping at Balmoral on Vacation

King Charles is currently enjoying a holiday in Scotland, primarily staying at his own residence, Birkhall, rather than Balmoral Castle, where the rest of the royal family is vacationing. Birkhall is located within the Balmoral estate and offers a more private and intimate setting.

The king, who is dealing with cancer, is spending his days at Birkhall with Queen Camilla. He is recharging his batteries by engaging in his favorite activities such as painting and gardening. A source mentioned that the king is sleeping a lot and finds relaxation in reading, writing, painting, and tending to his beloved gardens. This manner of relaxation aligns with his long-standing love for gardening, calling it his “happy place.”

There are no specific details about the cancer treatments Charles is receiving while in Scotland, but it’s understood he had some form of treatment when he was in London last week.

Originally, Birkhall belonged to the late Queen Mother, who received it as a gift in 1930 from her husband, the future King George VI. It became Charles’ property after the Queen Mother’s death, handed down by the late Queen Elizabeth II. The serene environment of Birkhall has been a special retreat for Charles, and he famously found solace there when his mother passed away.

While Charles took part in a traditional formal welcome to Balmoral Castle recently, he has continued to stay at Birkhall. Other royals, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, are staying at Balmoral, commonly referred to as “the big house.” Birkhall’s status as Charles’ sanctuary was further solidified after he chose to dine there with William following the Queen’s death.

Interestingly, the king is not participating in the customary long days of shooting and fishing with his family. According to a source, Charles is only making brief appearances at shooting parties, if at all. The overall shooting season has been disappointing across Scotland this year due to unusual weather patterns affecting bird breeding.

Charles’ vacation has also been marked by his unusual decision to interrupt it. Last week, he flew to Southport in northwestern England, a town that recently experienced a tragic incident where three young children were stabbed to death. Charles spent two nights at his London home, Clarence House, and held a private meeting with the bereaved families before returning to Scotland.

The king’s brief return to London also likely included cancer treatment. Upon his return to Scotland, he attended church with Kate Middleton, who was making a public appearance herself after recovering from an undisclosed issue.

Charles’ trip to Southport was seen as an important act of recognition. Nonetheless, there are growing concerns that his determination to maintain a busy schedule despite his cancer diagnosis could hinder his recovery. Voices urging the king to slow down include Camilla, who is his most trusted advisor.

One insider commented that Prince William could have deputized for Charles during the visit to Southport. While many admire Charles’ resilience, there is widespread concern about his health. Insiders are particularly worried about a demanding overseas tour to Australia and Samoa planned for October.

Supporters at Buckingham Palace are generally encouraging of Charles’ return to public duties. However, sources close to Camilla indicate she would prefer if Charles took it easier. She worries that his current pace, particularly so soon after starting his holiday, might be too much for him.

Another source highlighted the discrepancy between the positive spin on the king’s health and the reality. The king has visibly lost weight and aged significantly over the past year. Camilla has been urging him to take a break, but his workaholic nature persists.

Buckingham Palace has not commented on these concerns.

Source: The Daily Beast