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Kirstie Allsop Claims ‘Risk-Averse Parents’ Cause Teen Mental Health Crisis

Kirstie Allsopp has come to the defense of her decision to let her teenage son go interrailing across Europe, arguing that overprotective parenting is worsening the mental health crisis among young people. She believes that travel exposes children to fewer risks compared to mobile phones.

The “Location, Location, Location” star, who is 52, was reported to social services after her 15-year-old son traveled around Europe for three weeks with a 16-year-old friend. She first learned of the report when she received an inquiry from authorities about the safety measures put in place for the trip.

Allsopp, a strong advocate of the belief that “travel broadens the mind,” refused to provide specific details and was informed that although the case might remain open for potential further investigation, she felt it was important to let her son experience independence.

She commented, “Children are being held back from gaining independence, traveling, and taking jobs, like paper rounds, which previous generations did.” Referring to Jonathan Haidt’s book, “The Anxious Generation,” Allsopp emphasized that the current mental health crisis among young people stems from a combination of mobile phones and risk-averse parenting.

Allsopp explained that her son, being one of the youngest in his school year, sought permission for the trip when he was 15, unlike his friends who were already 16. She said it would be unreasonable to deny such an experience based on societal regulations about school starting ages and exam qualifications.

The TV presenter believes today’s world is safer than before, despite growing perceptions otherwise. “The world isn’t more dangerous,” she highlighted. “We now have better communication, emergency medicine, and safer transportation, making Europe safer than it used to be.”

She criticized the xenophobic notions that view international travel as more dangerous than domestic travels of similar distances, noting the strong partnerships between European countries.

While Allsopp said she respects social services, she believes it’s time to discuss the negative impacts of overprotective parenting, as highlighted by the reaction to her son’s travel adventures. She didn’t expect such controversy to arise when she shared on social media how proud she was of her son’s journey.

“I tweeted that it was inspiring and uplifting, and that I was proud of my son. As a mother, approving something like interrailing is tough. But when he returned, it was evident he had an amazing trip, and my worries were unfounded,” she said.

Allsopp believes that public figures have a responsibility to engage in conversations about important issues. “If we don’t use our platforms to discuss key topics, what’s the point of having them?” she questioned.

She also pointed out that young people are gaining access to mobile phones at younger ages, which poses far more dangers than traveling. “They explore and find things. The content available on mobile phones is more harmful to young minds than traveling to European capital cities could ever be,” she concluded.

The TV star was reported to social services for allowing her teenage son to travel independently. (Getty Images)

Kirstie Allsopp with her sons at Winter Wonderland, 2021. (Getty Images)

Kirstie Allsopp with her sons at Winter Wonderland, 2021. (Getty Images)

Allsopp believes that it is important for people in the public eye to use their platforms to open up important conversations. (Getty Images)

Allsopp believes that it is important for people in the public eye to use their platforms to open up important conversations. (Getty Images)

Source: The Independent