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Last Time You’ll See Me

Ellen DeGeneres has announced her retirement from entertaining following the release of her upcoming Netflix special.

The former talk show host confirmed her plans to step away from the spotlight after “Ellen’s Last Stand…Up Tour” hits screens later this year.

During a recent show in Santa Rosa, California, Ellen was asked about her future plans and candidly responded, “Um, no. This is the last time you’re going to see me. After my Netflix special, I’m done.”

She expressed her gratitude to fans, saying, “Thank you for still caring! Let me catch you up on what’s been going on with me since you last saw me. I got chickens.”

The 66-year-old entertainer has had a storied career, most notably with her long-running program, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” which aired from 2003 to 2022. However, the show faced controversy in 2020 due to accusations of toxic behavior by several executives, who were subsequently dismissed.

She humorously remarked on her show’s end, stating, “Oh yeah, and I got kicked out of show business for being mean.”

In a light-hearted manner, Ellen suggested that her next exit might be due to her age, adding, “Old, gay and mean—the triple crown.”

Reflecting on her public image, she joked, “I used to say, ‘I don’t care what people say about me.’ Now, I realize I said that during the height of my popularity.”

She firmly emphasized, “I am many things, but I am not mean.”

Earlier this year, Ellen opened up about the intense backlash she faced, saying she became “the most hated person in America” for a period.

After the final episode of her talk show aired, Ellen took a break from the public eye. She made her comeback in April with a stand-up performance at the Largo in Los Angeles.

During this performance, Ellen shared, “I got kicked out of show business. There’s no mean people in show business … [I became the] most hated person in America… the hate went on for a long time and I would try to avoid looking at the news. The ‘be kind’ girl wasn’t kind. That was the headline.”

Ellen DeGeneres is now preparing for her final bow as she readies the release of her last stand-up special on Netflix, marking the end of an era in entertainment.
