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Lauralee Bell’s Family Mourns Beloved Dog Chelsea


Please join us in sending love to The Young & The Restless star Lauralee Bell (Christine) and her family as they mourn the passing of their family pet, Chelsea. “These posts are always so hard to write but most of you know that we are a dog adoring family,” she wrote on Instagram with a gallery of family photos. “Chelsea crossed over the rainbow bridge.”

Chelsea has been with Bell and her family for 15 years. “This amazing girl came into our lives in 2009 when our kids were young,” Bell recalled. “She was part of what we called the OG3. An incredible sister to Couver and Bo and a fearless protector of us who happened to love every morsel of food you gave her.”

“In 2020, the unthinkable happened and she lost her brothers,” she continued. “Couver to old age and Bo we still don’t understand. It was a big adjustment for all of us and obviously for her but after some time she settled into being the queen of our house. A little over a year later, the puppies came and rocked her world. Definitely gave her a mommy purpose. She trained them so well and has put up with a lot of serious energy and rough play around her.”

Although the family had to say goodbye to their beloved yellow lab, they’re still grateful for all the time they had with her. “A positive I have to point out is a year ago this month, Chelsea had three days where she would barely lift her head so our daughter said goodbye before heading to college,” Bell revealed. She’s a miracle to have hung on with us for a full year longer.

“We will forever love you, Chel,” she concluded, “and our greatest hope is your two brothers were waiting for you and you play forever together again as the unforgettable OG3.”

Source: Soaps In Depth