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Lawyer: Travis King, Army Soldier Who Ran to North Korea, Will Plead Guilty

Travis King, a U.S. Army private, is set to plead guilty in a general court martial that will be held at Fort Bliss, Texas, on Friday. King made headlines last year after crossing the border from South Korea into North Korea.

According to his attorney, Franklin Rosenblatt, King will plead guilty to five charges, including desertion, while the Army plans to withdraw and dismiss the remaining nine charges he faces under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Rosenblatt stated that Travis would provide a detailed account of his actions during the hearing and answer questions posed by the military judge regarding his decision to plead guilty. Following this, he is expected to receive his sentence.

The plea deal was first mentioned by Rosenblatt on August 26, following initial discussions with prosecutors that began in mid-July. A spokesperson for the Office of Special Trial Counsel confirmed that if King’s guilty plea is accepted by the presiding judge, he will be sentenced as per the terms outlined in the plea agreement. However, it remains uncertain how much prison time King could face under this deal.

In the event that the judge does not accept the guilty plea, the proceedings could move forward to a contested court-martial, which would involve a more extensive legal battle.

King’s actions in July 2023 sparked an international incident when he crossed into North Korea while at the Joint Security Area along the Demilitarized Zone that separates North and South Korea. He was held by North Korean authorities for over two months. Prior to entering North Korea, King escaped from his Army escort at the airport before he was scheduled to board a flight back to the United States. This escape followed his release from South Korean custody, where he had been detained due to assault charges.

In September, after being released from North Korean detention, King returned to the United States. Upon his arrival, he was placed in a military reintegration program designed for individuals who have been detained overseas, which is available to both military personnel and civilians. The Army has so far refrained from commenting on whether King would face any disciplinary actions, emphasizing that their priority is his physical and mental well-being.

In October, however, military prosecutors filed eight criminal charges against King, marking the beginning of his legal challenges. The case has drawn significant attention, not only due to the nature of his actions but also because of the implications it holds for military protocol and international relations.

As the court martial proceedings unfold, many will be watching closely to see how the judicial system addresses King’s actions and subsequent plea. The outcome will not only determine King’s future but could also influence broader discussions around military conduct and the handling of personnel in international situations.

With the legal process underway, all eyes will be on Fort Bliss as the case progresses. The actions of Travis King have already left a lasting impact, and the ramifications of his decisions are likely to be felt for some time to come.

Source: ABC News