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Leah Messer Worries About Daughter Addie After Jeremy Calvert Incident

Leah Messer, known for her role on “Teen Mom,” is deeply worried about her youngest daughter Addie. The 11-year-old seems to be grappling with some emotional stress due to the legal issues involving her mom and dad, Jeremy Calvert. In a sneak peek of Thursday’s new episode of “Teen Mom: The Next Chapter,” Leah shares her concerns with her sister, Victoria Messer, about how Addie is caught in the middle of her parents’ conflicts.

In November, Leah faced a troubling situation at her workplace when Jeremy allegedly harassed her. This incident led Leah to file for a protective order against Jeremy, who was her husband from 2012 to 2015.

Leah and Victoria touch base during this challenging period. Victoria inquires if there have been any changes in Addie’s custody arrangement. Leah explains, “We’re doing all pass-offs between me and Jeremy’s mom every other weekend. Addie stays with Jeremy when he’s in town, but he’s rarely here since moving to Pennsylvania.”

Leah admits that ever since the incident with Jeremy, Addie has been visibly struggling. She notes, “At first, she was angry and blamed me, and then she became sad.” Victoria empathizes, “Who knows what she’s endured or heard while not around you?” Leah agrees, lamenting that she might have reconsidered letting Addie spend time with her grandparents if she had known the derogatory terms being used against her.

Leah further observes that Addie often asks to go with her older sisters, Aliannah and Aleeah, who are both 14, to their dad Corey Simms’ house. Leah reasons, “When they leave, she becomes an only child and gets bored. But there’s more to it. She sees Ali and Aleeah go there regularly.”

Leah comments on Corey’s active involvement in his daughters’ lives. “Corey is very present. We’ll go to events and Corey’s there,” she says. In contrast, “the last time Jeremy was at an event for Addie was in third grade. She’s in fifth grade now. You know how that feels to a kid?”

Victoria suggests that Addie must be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and questioning her father’s love. “It’s a lot of things going on in her little mind that she doesn’t even know how to process,” she sympathizes. Leah agrees and believes that seeing a counselor could help Addie develop some “healthy coping mechanisms” during this challenging time. Victoria concurs, stating, “The stuff that Addie is going through, Addie needs to go through it. She needs to face the sadness and the anger to get in a good place.”

The situation highlights the emotional challenges children face when caught in the middle of parental conflicts. Leah’s dedication to understanding her daughter’s feelings and seeking help underscores the complexities of co-parenting and the impact it has on the younger generation.
