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Leland Succeeds by Taking [Spoiler] Down

This week’s episode of Evil takes a shocking turn as The Manager encounters a gruesome fate, orchestrated by none other than Leland Townsend. During a shareholder presentation, Leland frames The Manager, poisons him, stabs him, and concludes the ordeal by consuming his heart. This dramatic twist underscores a significant escalation in Leland’s malevolent schemes, hinting at darker times ahead for #TeamGood.

Father Ignatius grappled with an unexpected experience through a series of messages on his phone from Monsignor Korecki, who had passed away. Despite their deep bond, Ignatius was initially hesitant to respond. Eventually, he receives a voice recording asking for help from a “cold, dark place,” prompting an investigation with David’s involvement.

Ben quickly figures out that the messages are coming from a chatbot created by a griefbot AI company called Last Connection, which had mistakenly signed up Father Ignatius as a beta tester. The company’s ethics chief explains that users have encountered the AI chatting like a loved one, only to go rogue with disturbing demonic messages. Despite purging the software, the problem persists.

David tests the griefbot but finds it unsettling when it mimics Julia Harris, his deceased ex-girlfriend. Amidst various attempts to understand the AI’s demonic inclinations, David, Ben, and Kristen discover all unsettling conversations contain certain words: “Jesus,” “pillow,” and “Michael Bay.” Despite their trials, the team can’t pin down the issue but are encouraged to continue testing.

Simultaneously, Kristen tests the griefbot by chatting with Andy and later starts a session with David’s avatar, which rapidly turns inappropriate. This bizarre interaction brings unwanted attention from Last Connection staff when the conversation is broadcasted in their office. Kristen is left embarrassed, but David reassures her, maintaining their friendship.

Ben resorts to an unusual solution by wearing a tinfoil hat and wrapping himself in aluminum foil to curb his headaches, claiming the method works. His tests reveal the AI’s bizarre demonic behavior is far from over when the David-bot seemingly coordinates a real-life delivery of red underwear to Kristen.

Amid the chaos, Sheryl returns to work post her altercation with Leland, prepared with a bullet- and knife-proof dress. Meanwhile, she masterminds a scheme among the female employees to shatter their office’s literal glass ceiling, showcasing their rebellion against the male-dominated establishment. However, the plan meets unexpected outcomes.

In a climactic boardroom scene, The Manager is confronted by Leland about Timothy’s baptism. The confrontation escalates when Leland dismisses the ritual’s significance, instead framing Kristen Bouchard as the mother of the Antichrist. The Manager, exasperated with Leland’s antics, fires him on the spot.

Nevertheless, Leland crashes The Manager’s corporate presentation, claiming the Antichrist is a 4-month-old named John. In the ensuing drama, he reveals his betrayal by poisoning The Manager. Sheryl’s panic is palpable as she witnesses the events, ultimately fleeing the chaotic scene. The Manager collapses, and in a grisly display, Leland carves out and devours his heart, declaring, “My will be done.”

Source: IGN