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Leonardo DiCaprio’s Party Guests Reportedly Followed a Green Laser
Getty Images; Reddit/Apenerd

Whether it’s a cool party idea or a subtle nod to his role in “The Great Gatsby,” Leonardo DiCaprio’s name has surfaced online once again. This time, it’s linked to a curious green laser beam shooting straight into the sky. Known for his impressive film career and environmental activism, DiCaprio has intrigued the internet with this unusual sighting.

A Reddit user named Apenerd uploaded a photo showing a green light piercing the night sky, appearing consistently over several nights. The user expressed their confusion and estimated that the beam seemed to stretch for thousands of miles.

The mystery eventually unravelled, with many suggesting that this green laser was actually a unique way to direct guests to a party hosted by the celebrated actor.

Apparently, instead of providing an address in the invitation, DiCaprio opted to guide his attendees using a giant green laser beam. The Reddit user delved deeper into the phenomenon, initially treating the idea as a rumor until they conducted their own investigation.

“This laser or light has appeared from out of nowhere for two nights in a row, and no one knows exactly what it is,” the user commented. “In other pictures, you can see it’s quite tall. It’s rumored to be Leonardo DiCaprio’s private party where he didn’t give the guests an address but instead the instructions to ‘follow the light.’

The skepticism turned to curiosity and then to validation when the user decided to drive closer to the source of the beam and do some online research.

“From driving closer and googling it, I’ve come to the conclusion that it really is Leonardo DiCaprio’s event. When I got really close, there were hundreds of black Mercedes vans filled with people dressed in glamorous clothes,” the user confirmed.

As of now, Leonardo DiCaprio has not publicly addressed the buzz surrounding his inventive way of ensuring that his partygoers found the venue. But it seems like an effective and memorable approach to event planning.

Source: Reddit