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Lil Yachty: Karrahbooo ‘Verbally Abused People’ Before Concrete Boys Exit

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Lil Yachty and Karrahbooo have seemingly been on the outs since she split from the Concrete Boys group just a few months after its official inception earlier this year. While Yachty confirmed the split in July, he was initially reluctant to go into details. That seems to have changed after Karrahbooo allegedly complained to a fan about her treatment within the group, prompting Yachty to share his side of the story, accusing the younger rapper of being verbally abusive to crew members.

“Go ahead and tell people how you talk to people,” Yachty said during an Instagram Live stream. “How you tell my security guard, ‘You homeless?’… You talk to people like they’re nothing! You talk to people like they’re small, like they’re beneath you. Tell people how you verbally abuse people.” Yachty also revealed that he wrote many of Karrahbooo’s verses and claimed that he signed her from a waitressing job to giving her money, jewelry, and a career.

Yachty even shared a reference track for Karrahbooo’s verse when the group went on the On The Radar Radio show to freestyle.

The Atlanta native’s comments are a far cry from when he said, “I don’t have anything bad to say. Or anything good to say. We just split, and I wish the Kar[rahbooo] in her career.”

Recently, the dynamics within the Concrete Boys group have come under deeper scrutiny. Originally seen as a close-knit unit, the friction between Yachty and Karrahbooo has highlighted internal tensions that fans weren’t previously aware of. Specifically, the rapper’s accusations add a layer of complexity to what initially seemed like an amicable separation.

The fallout is particularly notable given Yachty’s previous statements. In July, he maintained a neutral tone, avoiding any inflammatory remarks. His recent disclosures, however, paint a different picture. By accusing Karrahbooo of mistreating crew members, Yachty has opened a Pandora’s box of issues that could have long-term repercussions for both their careers.

Karrahbooo, meanwhile, has yet to publicly respond to Yachty’s accusations. Her silence leaves room for speculation and curiosity about her perspective on the matter. With her rapid rise in the rap scene facilitated by Yachty, her side of the story will likely attract considerable attention if and when she chooses to share it.

This unfolding drama isn’t just a personal spat; it has broader implications for the group’s future and their fanbase. Fans of Concrete Boys may feel caught in the middle, uncertain about where their loyalties should lie. As more details become public, the group’s dynamics may shift further, altering their public image and possibly affecting their musical output.

Moreover, Yachty’s recent actions emphasize how mentorship in the music industry can be complicated. His claims of having written many of Karrahbooo’s verses and providing her with financial support add a layer of paternalism to their professional relationship. This dynamic raises questions about the balance of power in such mentorships, and what happens when things go awry.

The fallout also touches on larger themes of accountability and mutual respect within creative teams. Accusations of verbal abuse and mistreatment can change how artists are perceived, both by fans and by industry peers. For Yachty and Karrahbooo, navigating this public dispute may require more than just social media statements; it might necessitate deeper conversations about their professional ethics and personal conduct.

As this story continues to develop, it serves as a potent reminder that the music industry, like any other, is fraught with personal and professional challenges. How Yachty and Karrahbooo choose to handle this conflict could set precedents for how similar situations are dealt with in the future, both within their own careers and more broadly across the industry.

For now, all eyes remain on their next moves, with fans eagerly awaiting further developments in this ongoing saga.

Source: Getty