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Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis Join Viral ‘Demure’ Trend

Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan are jumping in on the popular “very demure” TikTok trend, which has taken the internet by storm.

“Straight hair, very demure,” said Lohan in a video posted on Friday, mimicking Jools Lebron, a TikTok user who has gone viral by offering tips on how followers can appear “demure” and “mindful” while performing everyday tasks.

Lohan, sitting in a car with the Oscar winner, turned the camera to Jamie Lee Curtis. “Wearing a seatbelt, very mindful,” said Curtis with a smile and a head tilt.

The duo is collaborating once again for the upcoming film “Freakier Friday,” a remake of the 2003 hit “Freaky Friday,” where a mother and daughter swap bodies.

Last week, Curtis took to Instagram to express her appreciation for Lohan, after working together more than two decades after their original film was released. “I’m feeling especially grateful to my ULTIMATE movie daughter, @lindsaylohan without whom we could not have made this movie,” Curtis wrote on Instagram on Friday.

Lohan recently opened up to “Good Morning America” about her relationship with Curtis, saying, “They always say when you have a best friend or someone that you’re really close with, if you cannot see them for years and years, but when you see them again, it’s like you’ve never separated.”

Disney is the parent company of ABC News and “Good Morning America.”

Source: ABC News