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Liz Truss Responds to Lettuce Prank: ‘Last Night Wasn’t Funny’

Liz Truss has expressed her disappointment with a banner that appeared behind her during a recent talk, which carried the message “I crashed the economy” alongside a picture of a lettuce. Truss described the incident as “not funny” and accused it of being an attempt to “suppress free speech.”

The former prime minister was at Beccles Public Hall and Theatre promoting her book “Ten Years To Save The West” when the banner was unfurled. At that moment, she was speaking about her support for Donald Trump.

Activist group Led By Donkeys confirmed the authenticity of the event but did not divulge how they managed to pull off the stunt.

Truss took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to comment on the episode. “What happened last night was not funny. Far-left activists disrupted the event, which then had to be stopped for security reasons,” she wrote. “This is done to intimidate people and suppress free speech. I won’t stand for it.”

Truss also questioned whether a similar reaction would occur if the activists were far-right.

Led By Donkeys responded with a statement: “Liz Truss appears to be a huge supporter of free speech up to the point she encounters it.”

Ben Stewart, a co-founder of Led By Donkeys, told the PA news agency that the intention behind their stunt was to highlight “Liz Truss aligning herself with Trump and the far right in America.”

The former prime minister’s short tenure lasted just 44 days. She became the subject of ridicule, outlasted by a lettuce in a live stream by the Daily Star, which posed the question: “Which wet lettuce will last longer?” comparing her to an actual lettuce.

After being alerted to the banner behind her, an evidently displeased Truss left the stage.

Source: PA, Daily Star